How can I play Warframe without Vsync / 60 fps cap?


I have a problem with Warframe. I'm trying to play Warframe on my laptop due to my broken PC (Radeon R5 M200, i7-5500U 2.40Ghz). It is running smoothly but I do not get over 60 FPS and I feel a permanent… Delay as if I had Vsync on. The system could defensively create more FPS and should also more because I can't cope with 60FPS.

Can you somehow turn off this cap? I've tried it via AMD control, turned off ingame, but despite the fact that everything is off at Vsync, the cap is still there.

(In other games, this cap is also though it was also turned off there)


In which mode do you play? If your desktop is capped at 60 fps and you play windowed, v-sync is enforced.


I play in full screen mode. I just tried it in other screen modes, but also without success: /


If you go into the ingame settings you will see under screen also that you can issue the V-syn (should go in any picture mode)

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