Install hard drive from damaged laptop (blue screen) in new laptop?


I have an old laptop, which started sometime always shortly after the start to show blue screen and can no longer be used. So he goes on, and as soon as he is up the blue screen comes and the laptop goes out. Now I have the problem that important documents are on the hard drive and I have to save somehow, USB to SATA adapter is ordered and have no problem with the hard drive to expand, but since I have time pressure and the adapter will arrive only Monday I thought of just installing the hard drive from the old laptop into the new one. The question is now whether this will lead to blue screen on my new laptop because I do not know where the damage is?


Bluescreen indicates Windows.

Whether a simple conversion of the hard drive in another device is feasible, unfortunately, I do not know.

Try it. In any case, if you also have blue screens, you know that the hard drive has a quirk.


Do not try to start again with all your might. This will make you even more broken.

get a USB → SATA adapter cable and connect the plate to another, mobile device…