Screen resolution changed?


Moin, I changed my screen resolution from 1920 x 1080 to 1600 x 900.

Do I have any changes now, except for the graphics? Is my mouse speed still the same? (I don't feel something like that exactly whether it's the same) should my laptop run more smoothly now?

So if I lower my screen resolution on the start page, do I have more fps in games?


With the mouse speed, the change in the screen resolution should hardly be noticeable. You can also increase it in the settings.

The screen structure and thus working on the PC could theoretically become smoother, but that also depends on the respective program and other hardware components (graphics card, CPU, RAM, hard disk). It should most likely make itself felt in graphics-intensive games and videos.

It is possible that some games can now be played with more fps. On the other hand, you can influence the fps of games by playing them with a lower resolution (without changing the resolution of the screen) and / or switching off graphical details.


For every laptop there's a recommended resolution with which the laptop achieves the maximum playback, other resolutions can lead to distortions.