Good internet on the PC on the first floor?


Since Monday we have a new Telekom connection with a 50k line at home. Now I have hung all devices in the net at home. The router is in our living room, 1 meter away from the laptop, this is connected via Wi-Fi to the Internet. Now I have made a speed test in which a download of 25Mbit / s came out, the same thing I did on my PC, which is banned with DLAN, because I have only 4MBit / s in the download.

Should I now buy a better "DLAN-box", or maybe lay a LAN cable?


Relocate a cable.

This is more reliable and also much cheaper.


If possible, a LAN cable is always better. A better DLan set can help, maybe even WLan, but a normal cable is still the most reliable and fastest.


OK thank you.


Many thanks for your response. Are there still differences between LAN cables or is it only the length?


Cable is of course optimal, but Powerline adapter can also try. I have 4 pieces of it and can't say anything bad. 1-2 failures for 2 minutes left undecided.


Yes, cable would save me a lot of money, if I look at the prices for such a powerline adapter.


There are differences in the standards. They are designed for different speeds. Better cables then have a shielding of individual cores etc, but are also more susceptible to kinks.

For your purposes, so Internet connection is not over 1,000 Mbps and no more than 100 meters away, Cat 5e, which already have the most cheap cable. Expensive would only make sense if you A NAS operate, often push back and forth large amounts of data and want to make sure that the cable is not limited.

Cat 6 is slightly better, Cat 7 for 10 Gb / s.


Thank you very much Thank you for the good answer