How much power does Unity need?


Few of my buddies and I plan to do some kind of mix of Watch Dogs 2 and GTA V. Now the question is whether we can do this with a fairly normal laptop. The map should be a bit bigger. We would actually also do it for Android smartphones like Samsung Galaxy A10 or better. Now to the actual question, namely, we can do this with a fairly cheap one, which means poorer programming and testing. Or with Unity I can program huge projects in 3D because I have only seen mid-range Unity graphics at the moment.


(…) to make a kind of mix of Watch Dogs 2 and GTA V (…) The map should be a bit bigger. (…)

Watch Dogs 2 and GTA V already have an extremely large map. You didn't mean something bigger with your vision?

Now the question is whether we can do this with a fairly normal laptop.

Animation / modeling (as well as rendering) always eats up a lot of resources. For various objects that you build as well as the necessary software, a lot of data load will accumulate, for which you need a lot of storage space.

I would recommend you:

Project files that are not currently required, etc. (e.g. For models) to an external hard drive / cloud / or similar. To move
To divide the task areas in your team so that not everyone participates in animation, graphic editing, programming, etc. (and therefore needs the respective programs)
To divide the project (the game world) into individual projects that are only put together later

(…) If we do this with a fairly cheap one, we mean worse programming and testing. (…)

Bad laptop? I would say no. Take a look at the minimum requirements for the games that you have taken as a model and take into account that the resources (as already written above) take up a lot more space in the development phase than in the final product. You can't start the test phase at the end either. Unless you want to experience a full fiasco.

Or, with Unity, you can even program gigantic projects in 3D (…)

Unity has done pretty well over the years and doesn't preclude the development of open world games. A few games can already be named as showcases, such as Assassin's Creed: Identity or Deus Ex: The Fall. Otherwise you can take a look around

For games like Watch Dogs, Unity m.E. But still not a suitable engine, because it was not really designed for such extremely large, complex games. Among other things, you would very likely run into performance problems that can't be overcome so easily with the usual tricks, but require more intervention in the actual core of the engine.


Would be good for Unreal Engine 4 and this project?


I don't think so, because the RAM is far too low. For normal rendering jobs at least 32 GB is recommended (and for very complex 64 GB, but this is not absolutely necessary for you in my opinion).

Unreal also has a page in its documentation devoted to hardware and software recommended for development.

Otherwise take another look here:

On the site there are also some benchmark tests that are performed with different processors, etc. Were carried out.