Delete Schufa entry (innocent)?


I'm going to the bailiff tomorrow and will find out why I have a negative entry in the Schufa since 2017. In 2017, I was a minor. (non-surrender of assets) This has not been created by me to 100%. I have never received mail since I was registered with my father at the time, but I lived elsewhere. My dad would have told me if something was wrong. However, my father ordered a laptop on my name in 2017 and was about to get an entry. The procedure could be terminated in good time. Because at the time I was a minor.

If tomorrow it turns out that this was my father again, can I have it deleted? After all, I was a minor at the time.


Then there's no NEGATIVE entry!


Um, yes. How do you get it?


What exactly was finished? Did the creditor declare that he did not want to pursue this or did it go through court?

Do you have anything in writing?

Your father is a criminal. That's called fraud. And you think he would let you know that something is wrong?

Answer the questions, then you can help better.


It is said that a PROCEDURE was averted!

So there are no open loans!


Non-surrender of the assets

This is a negative entry. Even a very tough one.

There's nothing here about loans.


What has the bailiff with a wrong Schufa entry on the hat?

I would contact the Schufa and ask them to correct the mistake.