How can you switch a device / system in operation (without further ado) to another circuit (socket)?


With notebooks, cell phones, etc., it is easily possible to switch back and forth between mains and battery operation, i.e. Trivial plug in or out.

That would also be interesting for the energy measurement with permanently running devices, since only a socket on me has a counter on which one could switch different devices to determine the consumption.

Is there a standardized way to have a device draw power from two different sockets during operation? So to speak an adapter with which you can switch. Or could you just build something like this, externally or internally in the device (so the question is more theoretical, since I would not build something like this as a layman)?

It would be interesting to know the opinion / answer of someone who deals with something more professionally or as a hobby.


Is there a standardized way to have a device draw power from two different sockets during operation?

Yes. You plug a consumption meter into the socket and connect the devices to be measured, e.g. Via a power strip.

And the other devices that you don't want to measure are connected to a socket without a consumption meter. Or you have one on and don't read it.

I honestly don't understand the problem.


Since you will not be able to avoid a UPS, it is a battery that is connected to the mains, so you can connect the device

And reposition during operation.


There are clamp-on ammeters, how accurate they are and not permissible (inductive measuring process)


You can do this with multiple switches.

You can pull the neutral or neutral wire through for all consumers.

Connect all devices to phase (L) using a switch.

Place the measuring device directly on the phase (L) and at its output there are switches that are connected to the outputs of the first switches.

Now you can optionally supply one of the devices via the measuring device. With a proper schedule, a device will never be without voltage.


There's no standardized method as you described it. Respectively. For such small devices with protective contact sockets.

There are certain applications in industry where it is necessary to always supply certain devices with electricity. For this, however, it is not switched to another socket, but a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is used. This has a battery and supplies the device with power in the event of a power failure.

You can easily build what you describe if the two sockets are connected to the same phase. When the circuits are disconnected, it becomes difficult, but not impossible.


The problem is, when the devices are running, I can't change them, otherwise I interrupt the circuits (i.e. Off). I want to switch the measuring device back and forth between 2 running devices without having to switch them off!


Thanks sounds good.


Thank you, is a question in the context of a thesis and at first only in theory.