Socket made strange noises?


I heard such a noise from my socket.

It sounded like. Like if someone gets an electric shock in a movie or game… Or how a fat fly that doesn't come up you know?

I made everything out of the socket.

There was one with 3 in the socket, there was another 3 socket and a fourth (3 socket: charging cable and LED lights), (4 socket: laptop cable, and 3 for my television)

Hope there's enough information.

In addition, with this on-off light nothing was shining anymore if not as it should be.


Water got in?


Sounds very much like what a skilled artisan should look for in the socket…

or do you mean a triple extension from the hardware store for 3.99 euro?


Discard the bar.

You have to consider how many watts it can with a power strip.

If you connect devices that require more power than the bar (cable diameter in the bar), it can overheat and even burn!

When buying the new bar, make sure that it can distribute enough power (it is not that cheap).


Another socket is not allowed to be used, you have the whole thing 4 times! And then also devices that need a lot of power. No wonder, this is extremely dangerous I hope you have good fire protection insurance if you want to continue this behavior.


I've had it like this for several years

I only have one socket in my room…




But I've had it like this for several years.

I forgot to write it down


Just because you do it doesn't mean it's good or harmless

Noises in the room? Cr Creamraylan
Socket flashed? In Inch64
My brother is annoying Va Valerie886