Why is my internet on the PC not working properly?


That could be a little complicated, but I need help, I'm completely at a loss.

I use Devolo DLan for my Internet connection on the PC, that is, one cable goes from my PC to a socket in my room, and a second cable from a socket on the ground floor to the Wi-Fi box. It worked well for a long time, I came to 2-3MB / s when I downloaded a game.

One day, around 6 p.m. To 7 p.m., the internet crashed, that is, I got a 2000 ping in the game I played, my download rate dropped to 10kb / s and I couldn't open a website that was on the plug Red orange. From that day on, this crash happened every day, always between 6 p.m. And 9 p.m., before that everything went. From 11 a.m. To 12 p.m. It went from time to time. I looked to see if maybe it was because our television was on at that time or some laptop, but my internet crashed even when all the devices were off. I also checked whether it also doesn't work with a laptop, and sooner or later the internet failed here as well. After a lot of pondering, I found out that it would work if I simply plug the DLan cable from my PC into the socket in the neighboring room, and then, strangely, I got up to 6MB / s. So there was probably a difference between the sockets. But then even this socket failed. But now the socket in the next room is starting to fail, it's almost like the sockets in my room. It works on some days and sometimes not. It has never crashed before 6 p.m. Or after 9 p.m. I would also like to mention that the Internet has recently slowed even on the mobile phone, and occasionally fails for 1 second and then goes again. I already tried another DLan connector (Telekom) without success. Now I wonder, is it the Internet or the circuit? And is there a solution?


It's basically pretty simple. You go into your router and look at dsl with how much mbit upload and download it is connected to. These numbers should be close to what you paid for. If the technology is not ok, the values are bad.

In this way you ensure that you are supplied correctly.

Then it has to be somewhere afterwards. Well, if ma has a long LAN cable for checking to skip devices, then you quickly have the scapegoat

On the pc you can see in the network connections how much Mbit the Wi-Fi adapter (right mouse button status) is connected to and how many bars the signal quality has.

And I don't say anything about this dlankram, I'm more for repeaters.

Beautiful evening