Can I intercept a video radio signal using a laptop or cell phone?


I bought a radio surveillance camera from Pentatech (DF25M) my question, can I use a cell phone or a laptop to intercept the radio signal when it is within range? Now I can watch it with an external monitor that I got.


If you have an appropriate program for it. But above all a suitable radio receiver.


Do you know a corresponding program?


No, study the instruction manual. Possibly. Is there a possibility. There may also be USB radio receivers for this. Such as. For wireless headphones (not Bluetooth) for TV etc.


You can get a lot out of reverse engineering. I guess WLAN or Bluetooth are used here. Simply because this technology is widespread and has already been implemented a lot. If it was already provided by the camera, the interfaces already exist. So read the instruction manual.

But frankly, a lot of effort is not worth it: the product just doesn't suit you. In the end you probably sold yourself.