Hide cell phone from partner?


I've done something stupid, my boyfriend was often unfaithful in the past, I always found out about this from other women through his cell phone, and he always kept it hidden and now he has changed his cell phone code so that I can no longer look into his cell phone he always turns on the night mode when he comes home that made me so suspicious that I simply hid his cell phone when he was asleep I wanted to check out who was calling him when he went to work and connect the cell phone to the laptop bypass pincodes.

He was very angry when he woke up yesterday morning and he noticed it first yelled at me and threatened to destroy something in the apartment or knock me down, then he called the police who then came to me. I just gave him his cell phone. He asked me if he should take his things and first I go to his parents but I can always report there. I said that since I can no longer trust him, it will be over if he leaves now. And he's gone there. I regret everything, why was I so stupid and hid his phone.

I didn't really want to break up.

His mother is mad at me and his family.

Was it really that bad what I did or was I right?

I don't want the end of it, what can I do that there will be reconciliation again?


I'm amazed that women can put up with so much. What do you actually expect from him? Will you live your life with a man like this who uses and cheats on you? If so, get him back. Some do not have to wait until they go to hell, because they get this place in their lives.


Do you want to let him betray you and yell at you?

If so, please forgive him. Then don't complain if he continues like this.

If not, be glad he's gone. There are many men who are loyal and don't yell at their partner.


Of course what you did wasn't right. Trust is a must in a relationship. But there's the point: he gave you very good reasons not to trust him. I can absolutely understand it if you don't trust him. But especially if he has been unfaithful several times, that would have been the reason for my separation. If he was acting that strange, I would have spoken to him about it and asked him to show me the chats, if he can't, then I would have broken up, because then he would almost certainly still be cheating.


Yes, it is.

If you can trust Him so little, that's probably better that way too.

First think about what you really did or wanted to do.


He showed me the chats 2 times when I asked him but it looked somehow as if he had deleted something. He always deleted all messages when he cheated. That's why he told him that was not enough for me, I would like to have the pin, please, he did not want to give it to me unfortunately, I was often on the verge of saying it is over at that moment but I did not make it because the love is still too big


That he's cheating on you is a nogo, of course. But what you do is no better. You could have ended this.

Scouring his phone and hiding it was a hell of a thing. It is his property and no matter what you mean what rights you have, it is his phone.

Just the fact that it is password protected and you don't know the password clearly shows that he doesn't want anyone to sniff inside.

I'm always shocked that partners think they have all the rights in the world. There are things that are simply taboo in a relationship.

Of course, that doesn't justify him cheating on you.

Let him go, no matter who thinks they are angry with you or speaks sensible and clears it up.


If he deletes the messages directly, the pin won't do you any good either. Since you have no trust, I would end the relationship, so there's no point. But it's probably over now anyway.


I'm not sure if it's over, I broke up and then wrote again that I take it back and actually don't want to break it up and he still hasn't answered any calls, he doesn't respond either. The pin brings me something because I can then see his contacts and other things that he can't delete so quickly


If you get back together with him and don't trust him and keep controlling him, the relationship has no future. Just let it be. He's not doing you good and has cheated on you several times, why do you want him back? Don't be treated like that!