Windows 7 - can hackers now hack into every laptop?


Since Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft, I have switched to my new laptop with Windows 10.

But what would it look like if I continued to use the old one with Win7? Avira is installed.
Are hackers now able to hack into my laptop and make purchases on my account on Ebay?


Ah go, they are not if you are properly configured.

They just want to talk us into this scaremongering so that we hang on to their drip and think we need updates all the time.


It would have been a bit easier due to the missing updates, but they were able to do this before and with Windows 10 it is also possible.

There's a large market for undetected vulnerabilities. Because only what is known can be patched.


No, as far as I know, no serious exploits have been found in Windows 7, so the risk is no higher than before.

However, if such an exploit is found, you are vulnerable and this exploit is no longer being fixed. You can see it nicely with Windows XP. There are exploits that go purely through the network stack and you have hacked into such a computer in less than a minute.


They have always been there since Windows. The biggest uncertainty factor here is people. And attacks usually do not target a specific person, and such weaknesses are sent out thousands of times.


To make purchases on eBay, they only need your password. They do the rest on their own computers.

If you have chosen password as password, you can put it in the newspaper at the same time. It can't be secure with Windows 10 or Linux.

This has nothing to do with the update.

Updates are only provided when the error has occurred, the code error has been identified, a solution is known and the whole thing has been tested. In the meantime, days, weeks, months can pass. What do you do during this time?

How often has a private individual been the victim of such a gap?

Why should hackers focus on W7 when everyone switches to W10?

Despite support, W10 seems to me to be more at risk

I'm not interested, I have Linux.