My girlfriend want to hack Tiktok?


I have a new problem and my friend wants to hack TikTok. She has already found out about it on YouTube and in the library, she also studied media design, so she knows a bit about that. I want to help her there of course and wanted to ask if we could hack TikTok? Since TikTok is in China, I wanted to ask if we should also use a Chinese laptop?


TikTok is not a program on a laptop that can be hacked quickly. It has large server systems and is accordingly well protected.

The whole thing is also illegal, and therefore the topic is also prohibited on good question, apart from the fact that it could lead to legal consequences.


Impossible to borrow from someone like you. Who thinks that one can become a hacker through "media design" and a few videos can no longer be helped.


My friend said that you can also do a 7 day hack course on udemy. Sounds interesting!


Who does not know it.

Studying media design - you are a hacker who is familiar with IT systems.

You are already aware that this is a criminal offense, even if you could manage it, right? Which is also punished very, very harshly.


Well who thinks


Please do not believe everything, even if it comes from friends. With the attitude you will certainly be stolen in the course of your life without even realizing it.


Yes no is clear, I took a 3-day course on to hang up lamps, so I can now write 400 ampere high-voltage systems together…

I hope you have a lot of fun, especially when parents explain when you get mail from china…


You only ask if it is possible, not how it works xD


In public places I'm always there with my boyfriend who takes care of me, so that's not a problem.


This is as good as impossible for the two of you, you have (without meaning evil) no plan of matter.

But to get back to the topic: you can use any laptop you want, but you have to somehow manage to hack into any of TikTok's servers and you will fail, like most other people.

In addition, with your know-how, it can be assumed that you are not traveling too anonymously and then get a few funny and ultimately very, very expensive letters home.


I think it's not that bad if you hack something from China. I read something in the newspaper… They have no real laws and violate human rights (Uyghurs). For this reason there should be a "free game", so you can do things there without being punished. I asked a friend again who is the best in his year in his law degree… He's so cute… Well, but not bad, not everyone knows everything. LG, Nephi 💕


Everything is possible!

I'm currently learning ethical hacking and that anything is possible is obvious.

If botnets of young children cause so much damage, what can they do with smarter ones?

Nevertheless, you should never hack a system with your intention, as this will be prosecuted and since any proxy chain, however good, can be helpless.


Very difficult for private individuals, easier for networks


I don't mean that… You give the impression that you would reveal your bank details to anyone if they asked nicely for it


Just my sugar daddies