RAM below CPU base clock rate?


I actually know my way around computers, laptops, etc. Very well. But I'm still very unsure whether it is bad if the RAM is below the base clock rate. Example: If the CPU has a base clock rate of 3000Mhz but the RAM has a base speed of 2500Mhz. How bad would that be? (Actually, the Mhz speaks for the speed of processing…)

I ask for a more precise answer


Then the CPU has to wait for the RAM every time it accesses the RAM (this happens with almost every command). A whole CPU cycle, because shorter waiting times are not possible. The clock rate of the CPU is halved.


As I understand it now. Is it unnecessary to lose speed?


Counter question…

If your CPU has a base clock of 3800MHz, do you have to have the RAM with 3800MHz?


In principle it's the same question only the other way around. But no, actually not it can be higher but shouldn't be above the maximum clock rate of the CPUs? My question was whether he could be among them or whether it was bad or not haha


That doesn't matter. It is very unlikely that the processor and memory will have the same clock rate. My CPU currently clocks at 1.53 GHz and the RAM at 1.33 GHz…


No Basically, this is not a problem if the RAM does not have the clock rate of the CPU.

For example, a Ryzen 3600 (3.6GHz base clock) runs most stable with 3000-3400MHz RAM, everything above it doesn't run as smoothly (but not always).

So every CPU Gen. Has its "preferred" memory clock which, however, is not dependent on the base clock.