Processor, Which CPU is Better and Why?


I want to buy a laptop. Mainly for work and since I'm traveling a lot, this will also be in daily use. In addition, I also occasionally want to play a few rounds on it (CS; GO or a MMORPG). Now the question is which processor is more suitable. Or. Is Ghz or the cores more important?

Ex: Intel 4 core processor 4x1.6 Ghz OR Intel 2 core processor with 3 Ghz.

Which one is better? And why? Would be glad if the one could explain me a little.


Depends very much on the application.

But basically I would advise you to quad core.


Cores and clock are not the only factor that determines the performance of a processor. Other factors play an important role here.


We have working laptops with an Intel i3 6300 (or 3600?) And they are super fast. At least for Office work.

You can't gamble with a laptop. Unless you're doing CSGO everything on low and on, best complete without textures xD


Not always there are programs that die one or two cores because the higher clock is better.


That's exactly what I meant in the first sentence…


Both are not really something to gamble on.


Have you ever read my answer?
Basically, most productive applications benefit from more cores. Furthermore, the core / clock ratio of the quad core speaks for a modern than that of the dual core. This usually runs more energy-efficient.


Sure, I read the but what do the 4x1,6 bring if the program uses 2?


Quote "Furthermore, the core / clock ratio of the quad core speaks for a modern than that of the dual core, so this is usually more energy efficient."


What brings you power-saving run if you can't do anything?


Sure, I read the but what do the 4x1,6 bring if the program uses 2?

for example If this is the case, a smooth operation of the operating system and other programs is guaranteed. I myself still have a dual core in the laptop. And if both cores are heavily used by a program, then everything else hooks, which really gets on my nerves. That's why I'll never again get a PC with dualcore.