Programming from head to toe which Python version to download?


I bought the book Programming from head to toe. Well in order to work with it I have to download Python 3 on the homepage of Python. I have a Windows laptop, have also found the respective downloads for Windows on the page. My question is now, there are countless downloads of Python 3, which one do I have to load down now to have the right thing on my laptop? Does anyone know or have learned with the same book?


I would take the 2 newest to latest version after 64x bit possibility and stop for windows for the beginning is the same no matter the difference in the individual versions is very small

and if you still need help in video form I recommend the channel of morpheus tutorials

the python installer is outdated in the video just with the "new" installer the hack at path set (sry for postprocessing)


So I recommend you to install the Python distribution Anaconda. Besides Python you also get Spyder (a good Python IDE), Jupyter Notebook (the standard for Python notebooks) and conda (update management system for the packages).

To use all subtleties is complex, but you do not need that for the beginning. Just download and install the installer from the anaconda (

I recently wrote a blog article about this (


I would take the latest one. Why not? As long as the book is based on Python 3 and not Python 2, there are usually no fundamental changes.

Scroll down to and select the version you need (64-bit / x86-64 or 32-bit / x86).