NAS storage has no storage space?


There's a network hard drive in my home network, which is connected to several PCs and laptops as a network drive. Files are stored on this hard disk, which I can open, change or save from different PCs. Everything works.

Now my wife has bought a new laptop, Windows 10. After I set everything up so far, I also wanted to connect the network hard drive as a network drive. Made like the other devices. The hard drive also appears in Explorer and the folders and files can also be opened. However, if I want to change a file or save a new one on the network hard drive, an error message appears that there's not enough space on the drive.

If I control the hard drive from one of the other PCs, everything works as usual.

How do I manage to connect the network hard drive to the new laptop properly? Maybe something has to be changed on the new laptop? Nothing needs to be changed on the network hard disk, since it works with the other PCs.

Who can help me?


Does the user have rights to change files on the NAS? Does the user used have a quota?


I didn't change anything on the NAS. A laptop, a PC, two smartphones and a tablet are in the network. All are connected to the NAS and a file change works on all devices and also the saving of new files, e.g. Were manufactured with the aforementioned devices. It just doesn't work with the now "connected" new laptop.

A quota has not been set up for the user of the new laptop. At least not that I knew. The laptop is also not assigned to a specific user.


Do you use the same user for all devices to connect to the NAS?




Maybe an addendum for clarification.

I use a satellite receiver from Gigablue. An external hard drive is also connected to it, which is connected to the satellite receiver with a USB cable. I save recordings on it and play them back on the satellite receiver.

I also integrated this hard disk as a network drive on all my end devices. So also on my wife's new laptop. I can easily use this hard drive. I can download data or upload new files.


Well then I don't really know if everyone who has access has the same user, that's strange. Maybe your box has problems with many simultaneous connections? I would contact Gigablue support.