Which IP does an emulator rely on Win 10?


If I download an Android emulator for windows eg Nox, and on the emulator an apk install, which wants to retrieve once the ip (without VPN) does it have the ip from the emulator device or from the laptop?


Think of the emulator.

Install the best Android-X86 in parallel, then you have the normal IP.


The Android emulator probably uses the network interface of the laptop. Ergo one sees also the IP of the laptop and not of the emulator - the emulator emigrated NEN proxy or VPN and bridged the network connection of the laptop (but not why, why?)


If the emulator has internet access, it will use your network interface, and if you visit a page with the emulator, the IP of your router will also be displayed. The laptop does not have its own ip (for the internet - it only has its own IP within your network).

Emulator ----> network card ----> router ----> provider -----> internet.

Anbiert assigns IP to routers - i. Each device you used has always the same IP - esseiden you use NEN proxy or vpn. Then your provider does not know which pages you visit for it but the vpn operator or the proxy - The Internet then sees but always the IP of the VPN operator and no longer your own.