Possibility to get a good PC?


I want to persuade my parents to use a PC. I currently have a laptop but I burn my left hand in idle because it gets so hot (has no cooling). The FPS in normal games (Minecraft without shader) under 30. My grades are good, I always have at least a 2 with 45min learning (I'm at high school). I will only be able to afford the PC myself if I had a job, pocket money and birthday, Christmas would never work, because it is so little birthday so 60 euro and Christmas also 60 euro pocket money every month 10 euro, which is inexplicable for simple reasons shortened or sometimes not at all.

Are there jobs with 13-14 years or opportunities to persuade parents.


Deliver newspaper


How much do you earn?


Then let it run hot and then ask your parents to touch the laptop on the spot

say you can't work there anymore because you burn yourself


Depends on the different newspaper and how often and where you carry out. On average you get around 150 euro per month as a teenager, but also varies widely. Some brochures, for example, give 50-150 euro, some large newspapers 150-300 euro.

But of course pay attention to the labor laws for young people.


Haha, also a possibility!