Macbook to two monitors?

- in Macbook

I have my Macbook Pro connected to two external monitors (with 2x Hdmi on Thunderbolt), there's a possibility that I can reduce the on a cable? Because looks very ugly also I have to move my laptop away several times a day (which is when there's a possibility with a cable, unnecessary stress and double wear) In addition, I do not want to spend the same picture but spend two different pictures, so to speak, as an extension.


This works when one of the monitors supports multi-streaming on the display port. It then forwards the signal to the next one.

MacBook Pros can do that, too, with Thunderbolt monitors. In the latter, five can be operated in series, but then not all in the highest screen resolution, because everything depends on only one port on the Mac.

Alternatively use a docking station with Thunderbolt connection and two or more exits.