Is an insured laptop paid for?


I have a laptop that is insured. This has a total loss after 5 years due to a fall, which is why the insurance company wants to pay me part for a new laptop when I submit the invoice. But I bought the laptop immediately after the damage, before the insurance knew anything about it. I first needed a KV from the company that looked at the damage. I'm now wondering whether I should have bought the laptop for insurance only after the damage, or whether it would be okay if I submitted an invoice before the date of confirmation.


But I bought the laptop immediately after the damage, before the insurance knew anything about it.

Insurance fraud is a criminal offense.


Of course you get the current value of the laptop before the damage. You would have to have it determined, for example through offers on ebay or the like. However, that should go to zero, which is why such insurance is mostly a waste of money.


Who is supposed to have cheated on whom here?


The questioner bought a damaged notebook and his insurance is now supposed to regulate the damage. If that's not what he means, then he needs to learn to express himself better.


I'm now wondering whether I should have bought the laptop for insurance only after the damage

Well you have:

But I bought the laptop straight after the damage

Submit the bill.


You misunderstood something:-) He bought the new notebook after the old one was damaged without reporting the damage to the insurance company…


The questioner bought a damaged notebook and his insurance is now supposed to regulate the damage

But only you understand that.


What does that matter?


No problem. I'm honest with myself too. Everything else is of no use.


That has long been cleared up. I'm the honk here. And now please lie down again.


Thanks for the answer, I have already been awarded a sum that I could use for a new one. Wording: We give the approval for a new device up to an amount of XY


You probably live up to your name, wa.


Some say so. The others say so.


If you now present the invoice for the new laptop to your insurance company, they will pay out the partial amount promised to you.


Thank you for your answer