DHL laptop to the buyer to send abroad if I insured the package and the buyer is a scam I get the money back then refunded?


DHL laptop to the buyer to send abroad if I insured the package and the buyer is a scam I get the money back then refunded?


No, from whom should you get the money back?

The package is insured if, despite good packaging, something breaks. It is not insured if it is a fraud.

Try to explain why you think it is cheating.


No. You will only receive compensation if the package is lost by mail. You should not ship the goods until the money has been credited to your account. Remember that when shipping to non-EU countries, a customs declaration must be completed.


Hello okay thank you very much now because there are always scammers the thing is that the buyer has the money so far only I can't withdraw it until I have sent the tracking number to his bank only I'm afraid that when the package arrived at him is he withdrawing the referral it is simply a scam


You should not send the Lappi / package until the money is in your bank account…

then send the package for example: with DHL as an insured package and can track where the package is currently located…

Since you already have the money in advance on your account, you do not need to reclaim any money.


DHL does not keep the package until I can debit the transfer but still get a tracking number even if the package is not yet on his way so DHL waits for my inquiry until I confirm that I could deduct the money?


Google times to Nigeria Connection. Never send the part. You will never see your money. No bank is interested in whether you have shipped this or not. If you make a transfer, you send the money directly to the recipient, without any ifs or buts.


No, DHL does not keep any packages until you have your money in hand. Either you send or not.


He has no money and will not get one


DHL is a shipping service, they accept packages and ship them - nothing else


The problem is that I can withdraw the money according to the bank of the buyer until I have sent the tracking number


Okay, thanks again to all of you, I was one way or the other in the thought that this is a scam thank you very much


Since you were on the right track. No bank will give you your money until you give a tracking number. Do not get involved in such things. It is always best if you only provide shipping within Germany and only then ship when you have the money in your account.


Then forget it… Then it's most likely scam

what you mean would be a "registered" package, so that the recipient must accept the parcel first, the deliverer first hand over the money, which you then get paid by the shipping service provider…

Of course, this costs an extra fee, which should normally pay the recipient


Yes, okay, thank you


Did you finally become a fraud victim because you could not hear?

Some people just can't help. Googling once was enough.