Laptop case broken, what can you do with the hardware?



- old laptop with broken housing (no more sticking, screwing or saving anything else)

Laptop hardware in a mini PC

Ideas with Old Laptop Hardware

-What else can you do with it, except selling


I have an old Medion Erazer with decent performance for everything except new games.

He is about 5 years old and the housing is now done, completely scrap wirlkich, no repairing, no gluing, no screws.

Now my question, what could one do with it?

I had the idea for a box or something, I wanted to take it as a mini PC on vacation and so to look at movies or other things on it, but I found no ideas on the net (and did not really know which) such a thing brought forth.

Deshlabt I hope that someone has a flash idea, because I have not found something like spare cases or special boxes, and I do not want to sell him. Even if the hardware is worth at least 300 or 400, nobody would buy it.

i7 (2nd Gen - 4 cores, 8 threads)

Nvidia gtx 555m

6GB Ram

Housing unusable, what to do?


You could buy a mini-itx case (optional with grip) and put everything there → problem you should either drill a lot in the case or double-sided tape work, in addition, then the ports on the other side could not be reached so that's not the case a good solution. Of course you can also build your own housing where everything fits


I put my old notebook mainboard in a drawer and use it in the living room as a PC for my TV set for Prime and YouTube. And as a recording device for TV program.