Laptop gets stuck in the bios / uefi?


I had Ubuntu and Windows in dual boot. Then I deleted the Windows partition with Gparted and formatted it as ext4. Since then my laptop got stuck in the bios. And under Boot Options there's only UEFI. My hard drive is functional, but my laptop no longer sees the operating system.

Laptop gets stuck in the bios uefi

What do I have to do now? Should I format the laptop? Or is there any other way?


Stick in and go.


So do I have to format?


I had that problem too! And yes you have to format it! You probably did something unintentionally during the installation! Now I have Kali linux live on my stick!


This happens with UEFI systems as soon as the entered boot partition can no longer be found (in your case probably the deleted one).

Note that with UEFI part of the boot loader is always written into the UEFI itself.


Does the device recognize my hard drive?


Yes, it's better.


What can I do now?


Or you can print the ecspe key several times and then select your USB stick. I don't know which key to press but try it with the ecs key


The USB stick is definitely there! But you did something unintentionally when installing


I can format it with usb. But my question is whether my laptop will recognize the hard drive.


I may have deleted Uefi


Repair boot loader (can be complicated with Linux) or delete everything and reinstall…


So if I format it with USB, is that okay? And then the hard drive is recognized? Because the hard drive is not recognized and the laptop gets stuck in the Uefi