Please select boot device asus laptop does not work?

- in Asus

I bought an Asus laptop Vivobook x513E without an operating system. I made and checked bootable USB sticks with Windows 7. Starts without a problem in my PC.

The problem is tucked into bios somewhere. I've done almost everything possible in BIOS, but Bios locks USB anyway. What was done: USB set for boot priority. USB Configuration -Enabled. Fast Boot - Enabled. Secure Boot Control - Disabled. USB Interface Security - USB Interface, External Ports, Cardreader, Camera -Unlock.

I go out of Bios, press ESC and I have a black display with the option of 2 variants.

please select boot device

1.UEFI: USB, partition 4

2. Enter setup

When I press USB it reloads in 1/2 seconds. That means my pressures are accepted but blocked from bios.

When I press Enter Setup - I go straight back into Bios.

What else should I change in bios?

Technical data: Bios version: 301, CPU 11Th Gen Intel Core i5-1135G7, Ram 16 Gb, Intel iris (R) Xe graphics, Intel SSDPEKNW 512 GB hard disk

I thank everyone in advance.


It looks like you haven't installed Windows on the hard drive at all, otherwise something like

.UEFI: HDD, partition 1

appear. If, however, only USB, partition 4 can be seen, then the UEFI / BIOS only recognizes a bootable system on the USB stick.

Is your HDD shown in the BIOS (I don't mean in the boot menu)?


What do you mean exactly? EZ mode? This is a link from Youtube, In 0:36 seconds I have the same menu. At the top right "Boot Priority" I have UEFI: USB, partition 4. "Storage" is the name of my SSD disk. "USB Port" Storage USB.

Somewhere else, I have not seen the name of my SSD disk. In video from 2:07 at the bottom "Restore Defaults" there are names USB, HDD, etc. I only have USB. And at the bottom another menu item "Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device"


In video from 2:46 in EZ Menu "Boot Priority" USB, hard drive etc. Are shown. I always only have USB. Why hard drive is also not shown? Unfortunately I don't know


It could be that the SATA port for your HDD or SSD is not enabled at all in the BIOS. I have already seen this on devices with more than 4 ports and or with M.2 interfaces.


Where can I enable SSD disk in BIOS? Or should I send the notebook back?


Beats me. This should already have been done for a new device. I assumed you put everything together yourself. They will not have inserted ports that are not activated.

I also had to look at my PC.


Notebook is brand new. Without an operating system and from Acer.


There's no longer any support for Windows 7. There can be no more help.

Just install Windows 10 right away. You can still activate this for free with a valid Windows 7 product key.

The Windows 10 stick is simply created with the Media Creation Tool:

When installing Windows 10, you should also create a Microsoft account. The Windows 10 initial setup wizard offers the possibility to do this. If you already have one, simply use it to log in to Windows 10 as a user.

Then go to activation and enter the Windows 7 key there. The activation will then be permanently saved in your Microsoft account.

If you have to reinstall Windows 10, simply log in again as a user with your Microsoft account at the end. Windows 10 will then activate itself again fully automatically. You don't have to enter the key anymore. The license is never lost.