No money for a laptop school?


I'm in the 12 class (high school) and we will soon have to give up a job, I would have loved to start with it, but unfortunately I have no laptop / PC at home… I tried to save 200 euro but my mother was there this month I haven't had to give her any money from her employer for so long… Postpone that with the laptop for a while because of the money and now I have to wait again… I don't know what to do, you can apply for something at the office or something. Have worse chances against others just because I have no money for a laptop


You could apply for money at the job center if you would get money from there.

You can look for a part-time job.

What about your father


Have you ever asked friends and relatives? Many still have "older" laptops around, although older also means only two years old. Maybe someone can provide you with a laptop for professional work or in the long term.

Does your mother have zero savings that she could temporarily make available to you? As an adult, you actually have more than zero euro in your account and should save at least a small amount every month for emergencies… Alternatively, ask relatives, also, if they could help you with money at short notice.


Well… In principle you only need a stick and can then work on public PC's… Usually there's also the possibility to use the PC's in schools. The local city library is guaranteed to have publicly available PCs that you can work on.

Alternatively, ask friends or relatives if you can write on their PC's. If you can pre-structure it by hand so that you only have to type it in, then you can do it in an afternoon.

Also possible: look used on ebay classifieds or similar. I just looked roughly, but there were some for under 100, sometimes for under 50 euro. That's only enough for writing.


Why should one work as a child when the parents receive H4? Doesn't make sense because it counts towards H4


No she works and has no financial support from the state (but life is very scarce) and my father does not live in Germany & can't be contacted


That's not the point. It's about that you can only get a PC when you get services.


Thank you.

Then there's only a side job.