Highly gifted, or just pure overestimation?


I now have a few thoughts that I'm highly gifted for several reasons. Now we start with childhood. At 4 I moved with my family from Slovakia to Austria / Vienna. At 4-5 I only have computer games played on the laptop. From 6 I went to elementary school, again the school doctor said I had a speech problem, so my parents took me to the preschool class first, but the school doctor later found out that it was a mistake on his part Speaking without an accent and later even quite fluent (to be honest). But when I reached high school, I even got three, which I don't think is bad, but this was made worse because many teased me and because of being underwhelmed by it I got small depressions, it got better in the 2nd class, but I still felt underwhelmed because we had such worksheets from time to time that we should finish in a week or in de n lesson, but I was almost always first and if I needed about 2 hours, even though it was more than 6 sheets, most of the students in the class said I was smart, even most didn't want to believe that I was a foreigner My class teacher then took me to a psychologist, but my parents wanted that too, because my teacher noticed that I had no friends and didn't get on well with the class (he meant that I was was quite lonely, to put it more simply), he said, but for several reasons he hadn't told me these. In the 3rd class I made friends with a school colleague who said he had a sister who was gifted to a very talented person School goes and she can memorize up to 100 pi numbers, but it took a few hours for that. I then tried to remember 60 pi numbers (15 minutes), but my friend didn't believe me, said but often I'm good / smart. Later in the 3rd class, where I'm now at 13, the math teacher (my class teacher) wanted to have a conversation with me and said he knew I was under the values Intelligent / Clever referred to although they know that I only write 1/2 / most -> (3/4) / 5. Currently I'm (13), I currently do not want to take an IQ test that costs money because I'm currently have very little money in my till. So if you have any questions about my undercommitment or how I feel at school because I haven't written so much about it, feel free to ask me!

PS: I googled about giftedness, but there wasn't that much information about it.


It may well be that you are "highly gifted", but maybe you just have a good memory in certain things, such as Autistic. Above all, intelligence is characterized by the fact that it can quickly identify relationships and use them to design adequate conclusions and possible solutions. Google for "intelligent puzzles" and solve as many of them as you can! This could be useful for a first assessment of your actual intelligence.


Thank you for your answer, yes it may well be that it is due to my memory, because it is assumed that I have a "photographic" memory… But not proven.


A "photographic memory" is also something great! 😊⛩


Sounds completely normal, but certainly great for trolls




It would have been much more helpful if you would write to me when you could be gifted or not, if you had so much experience with it. As I said. I could not write much about it, otherwise it would be more than 1000 words, but I'm too lazy to write too much about it. So, you can ask questions about this topic, for example from my sub-challenge, or whether I find creative solutions in math tasks. But of course not, who wants to please waste time with a "self-in love" boy ^^


Btw, Google usually says nonsense about the gifted. Respectively. The highly gifted always have good grades!


You can be called highly gifted if you reach a 98th or higher rank in a serious IQ test.

Everything else is self-loving ramblings and only disturbs the promotion of really gifted people, because the relevant people always believe that whoever describes himself as gifted is always only in love and has helicopter parents.


If Google doesn't do it, why should people who mostly only use Google be able to answer you correctly? Go to the psychologist and have yourself checked properly


Talent can be determined primarily by a scientifically recognized intelligence test, assuming that intelligence is normally distributed among the population, so there's an average value from which most people deviate more or less. If you deviate more than twice as much from the average value as would be expected statistically, you are considered highly gifted. If you calculate this in numbers, you come to the conclusion that the "limit" is in the 98th percentile, i.e. That a talented person achieves a higher result in the intelligence test than 98% of all people, of whom the intelligence is determined via such a test.

This is about as likely as rolling three dice to roll 17 or more. It is to be expected that a successful litter will be present after 50 attempts. Therefore, giftedness is actually not that rare, it is only recognized relatively rarely because there are no systematic examinations that are comparable to the U examinations in small children.

For this reason, it is by no means out of the question that you are highly gifted. Especially since some people around you see your intelligence as a strength. But if that's your strength anyway, why do you want to know if you're gifted right away? I ask about your motivation because I asked this question myself (and came to the conclusion that I had it tested)


@Quaeror Okay, I would do an IQ test. If I had enough money, I would not call myself a gifted man, since I have no evidence for it but a guess, and I would not crush whether I'm not or not… I know exactly that there are various disadvantages there are also advantages on average and above average. Mfg toaster bread


The cafeteria test costs 50 euro


@Quaeror I'm quite frugal when it comes to money. In any case, I do not (yet) do it to myself, because I do not know whether I'm gifted and could theoretically be a waste of money because I'm not "stamped" as a canteen member / that would be the first point. And who would like to pay for an IQ test for 50 euro, and then notice after the result that he got an IQ of 80 in this IQ test, some of them would be happy, but most of them rather disappointed, since the IQ average is 100. And I mean most who would be disappointed would be the people who think they have or have an 80s IQ or about 60% of them. That is the reason why I ask you first. Because from your experience or from your own experience of some of you highly gifted you could tell me whether this could be a sign. If it is not a sign, then I would not do it because of the money and because it might disappoint me, but I do not mean that I only find an IQ of 130 good, may be that I'm spoiled or in love with myself, but also an IQ of 115-125 is a pretty good IQ from my opinion, or resp. The rest, because each IQ also has different disadvantages and advantages, regardless of whether it is below average, average or above average.


According to this text, there's no evidence that suggests a gifted talent.


OK ^^


I did an adult online IQ test on the web "test.mensa.no" and got an IQ of 115 there. But you could still get an IQ over 130 in a (realistic) test like in a cafeteria, even though you are in an online Test got a lower value? Since the online tests are so imprecise: / mfg toaster bread ^^


I do not know that. I would raise this with the psychologist.


Avicenna, thanks for your reply!

So, I want to know directly why I'm, for several reasons, because I plan to go to a highly gifted school (after a year) called Charles Pooper. You would have to do an IQ test first (via IQ130), which is scientifically proven to take at least the 4-hour entrance exam, but I'm not just interested in going to school, it would be a shame afterwards 8-50 years to find out if I'm gifted, because the IQ could not decrease due to no challenges, so it would be important to find out as soon as possible if I'm really gifted to take a gifted course or not Skip class.Ah and if I'm already on this topic, I plan to do an IQ test, e.g. Cafeteria, but I'm still afraid to screw up the test: /. I also started researching gravitation the day before yesterday, also how you calculate them and I quickly noticed a lot, which also gives me the motivation to believe that I was born a gifted person, because I heard that the gifted one have great memory, and are also hungry for knowledge, but I don't want to express that intelligence is combined with general knowledge.


Hmm okay, thanks, maybe it was motivation, because I didn't make any effort, because today I was motivated normally and got an IQ of 125. Unfortunately, I'm often nervous in online IQ tests and therefore the number could decrease, although one should not take them seriously


You can take a group test at the cafeteria from 14.

An IQ test is difficult to screw up under normal circumstances. Of course there are situations (e.g. Illness) in which you can't think so effectively, but in principle IQ tests are designed in such a way that blackouts as you know them from school work are actually excluded.

I only found out my talent in a cafeteria test when I was 25. Intelligence doesn't usually go away in the course of life (or does that mean I was a lot smarter?). It was more the case with me that I somehow felt incomplete when I started my professional life without knowing what it was - after all, I couldn't look at my intelligence.

I would also say that if you are a gifted person with access to information, the general knowledge can become very extensive. However, I find it much more interesting to derive knowledge without having to remember much.


It may well be that the unrecognizable IQ could decrease it, most likely if it is even high, for several reasons, but this does not count for every gifted person who does not (yet) have part of the intelligence or the IQ of himself White. Unfortunately I can't tell you whether the IQ had dropped or increased with you, for that I should have known more about your childhood / adolescence ^^, it is difficult to say, because the (IQ) is only one Part of the intelligence, therefore it might or may not be genetic, in turn there have been theories that the sources of IQ's such as space, working memory. Can improve positively by max 10%. That is also part of the IQ, so if a few sources of the IQ are not permanent (this means that they can change), then the IQ could decrease or due to several negative feelings / characteristics / life experiences in his free time his brain, for example, with science. Then it stays the same or it increases because the working memory is also promoted. In my two days I learned the International Unit System by heart (SI) because I not only want to challenge my brain, but also because I'm interested in it. And motivation is important, it increases the understanding of this subject. That's why it's not just a person's intelligence that counts, but also motivation.