Will I be monitored / does someone have control over my home network or am I just imagining it?


I have to go back a long time now but it would be nice if you take a little time and tell me your assessment. About 2 months ago I was kidnapped by an extremely good phishing mail (Ebay) and people had access to my account. But that didn't help them much because I didn't have a payment method. But when I got 4 days after the incident on my email inbox what I have in the hotbar in the browser. My antivirus program hit it and said it was a phishing site. I didn't think I would have had my laptop completely scanned for viruses etc. Where nothing was found. In addition, apps open sometimes on my mobile phone (iPhone XS) or it runs out at 3%. Nevertheless, everything is still chasing me and I sometimes think that someone may have logged into my home network because I'm so far for the router login I know the same password as the eBay password. (Of course I've already changed everything).
I get the same dubious advertising on all devices in the Wi-Fi for, for example, Piggy Coupon which is an add on with a hidden virus, even though the devices have different Google Accounts among other things. And my mother for example googlet definitely nothing that goes in the direction so it has nothing to do with browser behavior. On the other hand, the devices also receive uniform standard advertising… In addition, I have the feeling that something is running in the background of my laptop because it often gets loud or hotter for no reason. I don't know if that's always been the case and I'm just paying more attention to it now or if there really is something going on in the background. In addition, call center types have recently been calling people who simply don't say anything when they answer the call. I looked with the app which devices are in the WLAN where I noticed nothing inconspicuous, except that my laptop somehow has a strange Mac address from Azurwave no idea what that is. And somehow 40 partial connections between router and my laptop. Do you think something is wrong there or am I just a little too paranoid. Or is someone now selling my data on the Darknet or something?

I would appreciate an assessment from someone of you!


"The router login as far as I know had the same password as the Ebay password. (Of course I've already changed everything)."

If the password is changed, everyone will be kicked out of the network, so it can't be on your network unless it also has your new password.

"In addition, I have the feeling that my laptop is running in the background because it often gets loud for no reason or is hotter."

Laptop stop… Xd


You can't just hack the router like that.

And you can't just access your home network from time to time.

This is only possible if you would accept that with a special program.

If you are so scared, call your network operator and have a specialist come.

He will be able to check everything down to the last detail.


Can't he see me changing my password?


NO. That would only work if he had access to your PC screen with this special program that you would have to accept. Incidentally, the advertising is easy to explain, you were on it, they checked your email, and now have the name of the email, so they were able to send you this advertising, because your cell phone is connected to the Wi-Fi and Google is constantly spying on everything not a Wudner at all.


So first of all it is not "in" the router in general, then it is "on" your pc, for example, so it can monitor it. You shouldn't be able to see what you are doing on the router. You should not overreact, unless you have very private things on the laptop, then reset it and change the passwords.


What adblocker do you use in the browser?


Well, he can only control the pc properly via a system like TeamViewer, you're right, but he could already see what he is typing on the pc when he "got" kernel 1/0 permissions on the pc.


Yes, but that would have been noticed after virus scanning.


And most of them are also ned in the PC. Most of them are connected to the network by a virus and thus to the browser.


Now uBlock origin was none at the time


But if the virus scan hadn't discovered it with GData and Malwarebytes and Windows defender


Well then go to uorigin's settings and go to the filter list because you can switch on all the filters again. If something should no longer work in the browser, try the filters, which can sometimes filter out similar login windows.


OK thanks


And usually ask your internet provider for free. They can see all of this with themselves.


I've already completely reset the laptop and the router to factory settings


Thanks for the answer.


If you want to be on the safe side with your laptop.

Can you turn off your router, boot up your laptop and when it gets as hot as usual, you know it's something else. Because then your laptop has no connection to the router, i.e. To the Internet, and if it should, it could not upload any data.

You can also look in the system settings under Software Uninstall to see if there's any strange software installed.

I always had my problems with fing. I advise you to use an ip scanner for your laptop. I use this personally, with Fing even with the fing box some devices were not shown to me. But can also be on the cell phone.


If you are still afraid, you can also reset your router or clear your browser, cookies, history…

Regards, Nioy


Thanks for the answer! I completely reset my laptop and my router too… Would you say that nobody can access it now? So as long as I'm not falling for something somewhere or where my data is


Yes, I would say that the virus (if one was installed) was deleted by the reset. I would recommend not saving your passwords in the browser itself. Since this can be read out with free software.

I would also recommend that you do not download anything from exotic sites and click on reject for software that offers you additional software. As is often the case with Computerbild.😜 Unfortunately, you have to be careful everywhere these days.

A great tip, make backups on external hard drives. With some viruses it is not easy to get away. (Encrypt data and request money.)

I personally make a backup every first weekend of the month. Of all devices.

Regards, Nioy


Thank you!


You're welcome! 😜


Sometimes apps just open on my mobile phone (iPhone XS) or it runs out at 3%. ==> Who should understand that? This no longer has anything to do with the network. What do you mean by 3% (battery level?). If apps just open like this, then you also have these apps on your phone, so you wanted them! Delete them! But if you need them, go to their settings and see if you have set an automatic start anyway. Why don't you name these apps? We're supposed to help you, right?

What is this restriction regarding your password for Ebay and router? ==> I… As far as I know the same password as the eBay password had.

==> I get the same dubious advertising on all devices in the Wi-Fi for example Piggy Coupon
@ Maybe you will reveal where this advertisement arrives. Is it your email address or what? What do you mean by "all devices"?
==>… Devices… Have different Google Accounts.
Again, my question is how this advertisement is received.

==>… I have the feeling that something is running in the background on my laptop…
you check that in the Windows Task Manager. You have windows, don't you?

==> whether that's always been the case and I'm just paying more attention to it now or whether something really is going on in the background. That sounds like Alsheimer; Can't you remember?

==> In addition, call center types have recently been calling more often than not to say anything at all.
How do you know they're call center types if they don't say anything?

==> I looked with the app which devices are in the WLAN where I noticed nothing inconspicuous, except that my laptop somehow has a strange Mac address from Azurwave no idea what that is. And somehow 40 partial connections between router and my laptop.
Who should understand that? #Yes, AZURWAVE could also be your wireless LAN USB adapter. Check it out!

You see, I took you pretty seriously at first, but now it's your turn again, if you're really serious about solving a problem in a real problem situation. But maybe the other answers here were enough for you…


Antivirus program

… You can see how "good" virus scanners really work: https://hackenlernen.com/blog.php?t=python_tutorial_reverse_shell

This is no protection and no line of defense, but at most one plaster on a gaping wound. The most effective protection is your knowledge and caution!

since I had the same password for the router login as I know as the Ebay password.

You shouldn't do something like that, but it won't be because you would first have to allow the router to log in to the router from the Internet. However, you can also try the well-known PW + your email at Amazon, PayPal, etc. And then you have deposited a credit card or something.

As a rule, it is more likely that you infect your PC with a download or just by visiting a page. Then your computer is virtually under the control of the attacker and from the PC you can then attack and attack all other devices (smart TV, IP camera, cell phone, tablet - even the "smart" socket or light bulb or the router) possibly take over…

In addition, I have the feeling that my laptop is running in the background because it often gets loud for no reason or is hotter.

Well that's quite possible. Cybercriminals use hacked computers to attack websites and servers or crack passwords or as a proxy server or whatever.

In addition, credit card data, ID card data, etc. Are often intercepted and misused or sold. In addition, all sorts of crooked things run over your IP, which disguises the actual culprit and brings you a lot of trouble if the police confiscate half of the technology as evidence…

I looked with the app which devices are in the WLAN where I noticed nothing inconspicuous, except that my laptop somehow has a strange Mac address from Azurwave no idea what that is.

You are looking in the wrong place too! Your Wi-Fi is just a few meters beyond the outer wall of the apartment or house. If the attacker were in WLAN, he would have to hang around with his laptop or cell phone in the hallway or stand in front of the house!

All traffic would be more interesting. You can examine it directly on the router if it can (if not you can set up an old PC with IPfire or a similar system) and directly on the devices. You can do this with Wireshark, for example, but the analysis is not that easy, because there will be millions of packages within a very short time if you do something. Therefore, you should make out everything that additionally sends data (email program, browser, etc.)

If the malware is a rootkit you may not find any signs on the PC but the packages will be logged on the router!

You should also have a look at all running processes and check each one individually. This also does a lot of work and is a lot of love given to a rootkit.

You can also boot the computers with Linux (live DVD or USB stick) and then scan the disk. This can be used to avoid corrupted parts of Windows that report the wrong data!

I would appreciate an assessment from someone of you! Thanks in advance

Everything is possible but you can only say it after you have examined everything carefully.

The alternative would be: "Flat out" all devices and set everything up, set up, etc. But then use the appropriate script and ad blocker and a proper firewall either for the entire network with IPfire or a software firewall on every PC!