Laptop (Windows 7) keeps crashing?


Unfortunately, the laptop keeps crashing at irregular intervals without an error message. Then it says "lock" for a very short time and it drives down. He seldom beeps afterwards. I read that I may have been hacked. Would that person then have my data? And what can I do?


If you've been hacked, you should do a factory reset… And then get Windows 7 down there and install Windows 10.

Before doing this, of course, drag the important documents onto a stick or burn them to DVD or save them in some other way.

If a PC shuts down, it can also be due to self-protection. For example, the power supply could be too weak, which you would have noticed beforehand or the cooling system can't cool the PC properly and it protects itself from overheating. In that case you have to clean the fan.


Yes, you would probably be hacked because everything is not safe under Windows 10 buy a new laptop lg.


Note: You can upgrade to Windows 10 for free (legally), just have a look on the Internet.


What has sat sat now to do with Windows 10. Windows 10 is already quite safe if you don't download everything from dubious-looking sites like the last complete idiot and click away the warning messages.

But the PC wasn't even running Windows 10, so that's probably not the problem.


The cooling is defective.

Blow through the bottom once.


Cool, thanks. And that is relatively quick, without having to buy anything specific?


Great thanks, and cleaning the ventilation is relatively quick, isn't it? Speak without having to buy something right?


Hi. If there's insufficient cooling, a PC simply switches off.


Yes, Windows 10 wasn't even on the PC before, Windows 7 was also safe, but since everyone uses Windows 10, it is very easy to hack people with Windows 7 first think then write.


You can try blowing it in first when it's dirty. All you have to do is get the side panel of your PC off. Stubborn dust and whatever else is there can be removed with a cotton swab. If the fan does not turn after cleaning, you have a problem.


Oh wait, sorry. I thought everything UNDER Windows 10 meant everything that is done under Windows 10, i.e. With Windows 10.

Now it makes sense, sorry.