Netflix automatically logged out?


Moin zsm.

For two days I have had the problem that when I watch Netflox on my laptop, I keep getting logged out. Sometimes I don't even have to shut down the laptop and just close the page and I'm logged out and have to log in again (i.e. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes).

Strangely, a buddy who also uses the account has the same problems as me - so I don't think it's me.

Do you also have problems with Netflix or have you ever had logging-out problems?

Can I do anything about it at all?

Lg and thanks in advance!

Joel Heiniger


Which subscription is there? 7.99 euro, 11.99 euro or 15.99 euro?


Whaaas 16 euro only? With us in Switzerland I pay 21Fr.

So the "best" has been doing this for a while and the problem only started yesterday. At my friend's a few days ago


Perhaps I would have said that too many participants are trying to watch at the same time or that too many devices (but there's probably no limit) are registered. However, that doesn't seem to be the problem. Sorry, then I don't know what to do next, but I keep my fingers crossed that someone can help! 😉


Rather, think there's a bug with Netflix. If too many are registered, you simply get a notification that too many are registered.

Hope Netflix gets the problem under control.

Of course it's not sure that it is a problem on your part but it sounds like it or what do you think?


Try to deactivate and reactivate cookies in the browser settings and to clean the cache memory. Could also help. 😉


I will try it.


Moin, just wanted to let you know. My colleague no longer has any problems and I was still logged in today. So everything is OK!


Great.👍🏼 However, I would not have deserved the asterisk!


Well, even if you didn't deserve it. I didn't always want to get the notification because of the star 😂


Somehow I don't get any more, even though I didn't award them all! 😅