Netflix phishing mail caught?


This morning I had a Netflix phishing mail in my mailbox. Since I'm not using Netflix, but Amazon prime, I was confused at first, half asleep but stupid enough to click on the link and enter my common email password combination.

When it came to account data, of course, I didn't type it in and it became clear to me what a stupid mistake I had made.

Now since 6.30 am I have changed all my passwords in the same combination with my tablet (the mail was opened from my cell phone) after I logged out of the Chrome browser and carried out 4 different virus scans on my cell phone.

Now my question is whether I'm still in danger.

I'm very worried and am surprised by my own stupidity. I would appreciate a quick response that hopefully calms me down or tells me what else to do.

I also logged out of the online banking app on my cell phone and changed my PIN on my laptop, even if it has nothing to do with my password that I specified.


Just change the password of your Netflix account and then it fits.