Corona and home office. What are your experiences


As of today, my boss has cited me back from home office to the company after a month. I actually only work with graphics programs on a laptop, which is why I would have absolutely no need to be on site. Even if I'm aware that I can't only work in my home office until Santa's day, I find it a little irresponsible. Of course, in professions where physical presence is absolutely necessary, there's no other way. But where it is possible, you should make it possible. Everything else is negligent. The pandemic is not over yet and if every boss acted like this today, the curve would increase noticeably in 2 weeks.

What experience have you had (especially those who could work in your home office)?


From next week, those who want to can go back to the office. However, only a part of the line-up may be returned to the office so that the gaps can be maintained. And the whole thing then only on a weekly basis, alternating with other colleagues who are still in the home office.


Well, if you don't want to use the other lures, e.g. The one that you can meet up to 5 people in private and that you can meet outside with someone who does not live in your household (in some states it was fine anyway) yes, then it is okay if you are out of fear don't go to the office.

You should not go to the hairdresser or stroll for fun.


I also don't go for a stroll and don't meet anyone at the moment. I can now go back to work, even without added value.


Well, then your fear is justified. Because if you take the same consequences as you are, it's okay to ask. Then discuss this with your employer. Sometimes it is important for the boss to see his employees.

At some point you have to crawl out of your hole again.


We have to go back to HO after 5 weeks. Office is starting up slowly.

safety distance 2 M is guaranteed.

unfortunately there's still no basic legal right to do so the thinking is still in many heads of management. That people don't work at home. Which is total nonsense.

i work in sales without performance no money. Would punish myself and work at home nothing work in the company.

The companies would save a lot of money for rent, maintenance costs, electricity, etc. And they do not have to provide parking spaces.

the environment would be less polluted and time management saves me 2x1 hours of driving every day.


The cloud is not doing well and my email is broken


The same thing happened to me. This landlord mentality of some bosses really sucks.