Corona virus or home office - what are your experiences regarding advantages and difficulties?


I would be interested to know how you organize your day-to-day work with regard to home office workers.

Do you have your own room for this?

Are you sitting in the kitchen?

Did you get laptops or do you work with your own devices?

Do you get support or are there difficulties?

How does it work with concentration when children are floating around at the same time or the news ticker… Well, ticks. Are the news and everything distracting from work? Is working at home more calming at the same time because you have less stress to get to work and are less worried about your own family?


Seat: at the dining table. I could theoretically set up a workstation in the guest room, but as long as it is only temporary I will stay at the dining table. (I'm currently in the office, let's see how next week is)

work with my private laptop.

I have no children to distract me. The couple of times I've done it was quite relaxed. You can sleep a little longer because you don't have to drive or dress up (jogging pants + shirt). Otherwise, shcon is a bit quieter because it just doesn't last for a while or for someone on the phone on the phone.

as long as I'm alone it's also pretty easy to concentrate. Tv stays off, only music in the background. It is more difficult when my girlfriend comes from work because she stops. There's also.


Great answer, DodgeRT.

If you are a smoker, you are allowed to smoke in the workplace according to German labor law if it does not bother any other employee. There's no non-smoking obligation like in Belgium, for example (funny problem for truck drivers…).

You only have to get this under control with the family… They could say: Labor law does not apply here.

At the end, may I ask what you do for a living? I mean: are you the issuer of orders or the recipient of orders?