I'm scared, am I being watched?


Hey so i know the title is stupid and so but i'm serious and i don't know how to start so well i just start. I'm a girl and 14 years old always in a good mood and happy to help others (sounds self-loving but so please don't say anything bad. And yes, actually I'm never alone at home sometimes, but when I'm I'm never afraid of everything ok! And this morning at 8 o'clock my mother went to an appointment and I'm alone and somehow I feel watched! It sounds stupid but I wanted to hang up the laundry to do something good for my mother and I was bored but I got myself all the time I was shivering, had goose bumps and fear! And please don't say now that I'm stupid or sick or something, but I'm really afraid I actually never was afraid! And after I hung up the laundry I brought the garbage down I'm So ran and was afraid that someone would run after me and when I was back up I quickly did some washing in the washing machine and all the lights and doors closed I unfortunately have no hand y to call someone to talk to someone and who is wondering how i write this i'm typing it on the laptop well i have 100 spelling mistakes i'm sorry but i'm so scared and trembling and my heart is racing so you think i think will be watched?


No you are not being watched.

but it can help if you turn on the TV, you can hear voices and not the slightest sound


OK thanks


Why aren't you at school?

Chill out. You are not being watched. Who should do that and why? Nobody is interested in watching you.

Don't you have any neighbors to go to now, or grandma and grandpa, uncle or aunt?


I'm sick because of that i'm not at school and i have no one to go to my mother and i live far away from our family unfortunately


Distract yourself! This helps.


Do you think there's someone with me


No, don't let yourself be unsettled


Ok so you think nobody is with me


Why do you have to unsettle a young girl? She is at home, no one will come by… If I read your questions like this, I very much doubt that you are really 31 years old


No, turn on the TV and distract yourself


It went to me


No, firecracker


Okii thank you