What could it be, this strange / contradictory behavior from her?


You still know my question at the time (is that normal acquaintance / friendship)? My friend / girlfriend a TS woman. Brief summary. Can you read through the question again here afterwards. Otherwise it will be too long. At the end of March 2020 we had slept together on the living room sofa. She had hugged my legs briefly where she fell asleep. We sleep head on foot. She had just told me out of nowhere months ago that she didn't do anything with women. But the next day we watched 3 films. And she made this hand signal (two in the pink one in the stink). I just thought, oh yeah, that's a joke. Watching from time to time during the film, she had smiled at me a few times and said that she found my expression funny because I looked so scary. But I don't have to worry. She only laughs sw…

Briefly summarized. Film will end sometime. She pulls back into her bedroom. Again repels me. I had made one ignorant in the living room. She came up to me again. A week later she goes to Northern Europe, most likely to this friend. But said to me that she is going differently with him. Wanted to stay there for 1 month. But came back after 2 weeks. Has contacted me. Just wanted to know how I'm doing. Said to me if I want to meet I can get in touch. A few days later I got in touch, just wanted to tell her that the week after, mouth protection is mandatory. You also called me a few hours later. I just wanted to tell myself that a face mask is distributed free of charge on a Fr. Well, we met last Thursday. She asked if I can remember where we slept together on the sofa. Then she said to me that she dreamed of her work colleague, that she put something in her hand, so hugged my legs. Funny, she could have told me that the day after (back in early April). We were outside, then home. Wanted me to sleep on the sofa. You in the bedroom. But then she came with her new laptop. And wanted to watch an action film with me. Before that, she had retired to her bedroom with her laptop for almost an hour. We had watched the film to the end. Lying together under a blanket. Every now and then she turned slightly on my side. At some point the film was over. She said. OK I'll let you sleep. I have to get up early in the morning for marketing to learn something with university. That's why she sleeps in the bedroom. The next. What to learn. Was alone all the time in the bedroom. Watched films alone with headphones. Is wondering that I wanted to go home. Just funny their behavior. Said to me: But you know. I'm always lazy, I'm always in bed.

And smiled at me. I said to her that she can contact me if she is better.


You might not know what you want yourself, time is very valuable