CPU temperature with AC Origins is very high


I recently got AC Origins for my Omen 15 dh0900nz. Everything runs flawlessly, the game does not stutter and runs nicely at 60fps +. The processor is not used to full capacity, but it reaches a temperature of 88-97 degrees… I'm aware that higher temperatures are normal, especially for laptops, but I don't have temperatures higher than 85 degrees for other games. Am I wrongly worried or is there something I can do to prevent the cpu from reaching such high temperatures?


The game is very CPU heavy.

Your notebook is an OVEN with extreme performance.

It is very difficult to cool that much power in a notebook.

What can you do? Not much besides keeping the notebook with the cooling system nice and clean and always operating it on a smooth, material-free surface.


Thank you very much for the quick reply. Then in this case I can continue to play '' carefree ''?


Yes, if it gets too much your notebook will lower the clock until it fits, if necessary it will switch itself off.


You can only try to reduce the required computing power a little.

It is possible to limit the maximum FPS in the Nvidia control panel.

If your display can only display 60Hz anyway, much higher FPS actually make no sense. In this case, this relieves the graphics card and at the same time reduces the waste heat.

The view of the game world could also be reduced a bit. That should probably reduce the CPU load a bit. And thus also the waste heat generated.

But there are also cooler pads for notebooks that are equipped with fans. Such devices have only a limited effect, but at least…

https://www.amazon.de/..._mk_de_DE= ÅMÅŽÕÑ & ref = nb_sb_noss_1

There are also external fans that can be attached to the ventilation slots. But these are usually quite loud and also have only a limited effect.

https://www.amazon.de/...01E3Q7FS6/ ÅMÅŽÕÑ & dchild = 1 & keywords = notebook + active + fan & qid = 1602399444 & sr = 8-55

In some reviews, a temperature reduction of 20-30 ° C is described. However, I would absolutely not believe that. And the product descriptions also specify the notebook dimensions for which this product is suitable.

You will probably have the greatest effect with the above Can achieve reduction measures.