Windows 7 - colors reversed?


I have a laptop with Win7 Pro and actually no problems with the graphics, except for a game 😂

as soon as I start it, the colors turn around after about one second. It looks awful and the game is so hard to play.
When you quit the application, the colors are reversed and everything is normal.
What can I do or do I need to adjust so that the colors in the game are properly displayed?


You have to find the cause first.

Did you install two video cards?

Is it possible that in the Win10 game settings (because there's such a strange game mode) something is set, which makes the colors inverted / broken?


Just look: the problem occurs only in a single game?


As I see it, the picture is dithered. That is why whatever was switched to the 256-color mode. For anything that has more than 256 colors, the closest palette colors made of several pixels will try to get to the original next, which never really worked out in the 80s… 90s.

Switching should normally not work under Win 7/8/10? Games that are from the time of Win 3.1 / 95/98, did not name it very well with the proper response of the drivers and had a few tricks in the hindquarters, which work pretty hardware near the system. Correspondingly, it could happen that the system received nothing at all from switching the graphics mode. Something like this should not be possible anymore from windows 7 … Probably the system notices after a second that something is wrong and switches back to 32bit-colors, which in turn does not notice the game…

Regardless, to find a solution to the problem, you could at least name the name of the game and the approximate year.

Whatever right-click on the game's Exe, features / compatibility… And try to adjust 8Bit 256Color under Win 7 wr even Win98 possible. Try to screw something in that direction. Much wrong you can't in the settings…


Well, you can try right-clicking on the startup file before starting the game → Properties → Compatibility.

In it you will find several options how to start the game.

Try deactivating DPI scaling or enforcing 256 color execution.

Running the game for an earlier operating system (same tab) could also help.

But if the game is so old that it should no longer run on Windows 7, you probably have to download an emulator like the Dosbox.

What's the name of the game?


Thank you for your detailed explanation! The game is called "Ede" and is actually just a very meaningless commercial game for alarm systems, which I have nostalgic reasons aufm computer. Comes from the year 2000.


Thanks for your advice:-) the game is called "Ede" and is actually just a pretty pointless advertising game for alarm systems, which I have nostalgic reasons aufm computer. 😂 Coming from the year 2000. I have all the compatibility modes through and the other settings, but after 1 second it is again colorful nen probably nen emulator