I do not like my dad, what to do?


I'm w \ 13 and I do not get along really well with my dad.

When I was even smaller (about 4 years old) he tried to beat me. My mother prevented that and threatened to move out of it (they have been separated for a very long time and that's ok for me as well) I do a lot of schooling which sometimes lacks the time to sleep (I only sleep on average 6-7 hours) never gets it when I study all day.

He is only proud when I write a 1. The rest is too bad for him. My balance for learning is to meet with my friends and listen to music (every day about 1 or 2 hours) but recently he has blocked the Internet for me, which I find quite unfair, because he always uses his mobile phone, his tablet, and has his laptop with him. Even on my birthday, he has nothing better to do than sitting on the phone. I do not remember what to do, especially because I'm just too stupid to argue with him every day.

Luckily Mother and my sister said the opposite. We often talk about him and none of us 3 can handle him in the long term. My mother saves money on finding an apartment. But she can't take us for now because the money for the expensive rent just is not enough. I would rather die than live alone with my dad, but I want my sister to be fine.

The worst thing is when he drinks alcohol (he drinks alcohol every day) then he is unpredictable. Sometimes he is really nice, but then the next day he is back as I know him. Arrogant, stubborn and contentious

Do you know this situation? Can someone give me tips? 😖


She can't take you?

Sorry, but that's nonsense.

She gets 2x child support, child support from the father…

And possibly supportive H4 performance…

A 3-4 room apartment is cheaper than a 1-2 room apartment…

She should get advice on which possibilities, support and additional services (eg initial equipment) she receives…

… Which rental limits you have to consider etc.

But she can't leave you there!