What should I do against mobbing (working-class family)?


I'm currently studying in the 1st semester. Before I started my studies, I did not think that my day-to-day student life would end like this. I come from a working-class family, my father earns 1300 euro net a month and my mother is a housewife. I have a very old laptop that I get along with, my parents gave it to me when I was 13. When we took our laptops, I was laughed at by my fellow students who said I was living in the last century. Once my dad picked me up from university after he had finished work. He works at McDonalds and had his work clothes accordingly. A fellow student from my study program has seen and continues to tell. When I sat in the seminar, they made stupid remarks. They asked me why I study at all, I should just start working at McDonald's like my dad and burger fry. Since then, they make stupid remarks about me and limits me. I always say to myself that it does not matter, I should not worry about what the others think of me. However, of course it is hurtful. I pretend I do not care, but inside it hurts me. I do not study to find friends, but everyday life is made more difficult if you sit alone on the edge of the seminar every day and nobody wants to work with you if you want to do two-work.


Well many say bullying, exclusion, discrimination, unfair grading or treatment is not possible in the study. But I also know from personal experience that it is not so. Something is everywhere possible no matter where, no matter when, no matter how. It is partly a game of chance. I'm an autistic and partially Russian citizen, so I was often discriminated against, bullied and treated unfairly.

In middle school (DE: Realschule) it was not like that. There were still 14, 15 and still everyone was great to me. In contrast, in the FH, where I went, all were already grown up and there I was bullied, discriminated and treated unfairly by the lecturers. I also wrote an eBook about my education time. If you want you can read it. Costs only 5 euro. Maybe it will help you as Christmas reading.


I can't imagine that all your fellow students make fun of you. After all, they are educated people who have enough knowledge that it is not unknown to them that people are different. So if one, two "jokes" make stupid comments, count them to their immaturity and do not worry about it. Be open to the others, they will also do partner or group work with you.


You and your parents deserve the utmost respect!
If that does not acknowledge the other that you and your family have to do a lot / give you this training to make it easier to stand up later, then they are just idiots!
Even the fact that you have come so far from the training that you can study is a feat against which I take my hat off. Most of them give up much earlier and go into a temporary job just to earn something as fast as possible and do not think so about the future.
See that you perform well and take that as an incentive to show it all! Turn the rage into something positive and fritter in a few years with a doctorate and see who laughs.
And it will certainly be in the study already people who see it exactly as I do now, maybe even a sweet girl ;-)


Thank you for your kind words. With the tears running when I read your comment! Your words have just motivated me to do my best in my studies!


University entrance qualification does not protect against stupidity 🤪


What is that for a dam… Kommenar sorry.
Since when is a degree equated with intelligence?
I know people who are stupid like a stone and did their masters because they can sit down and learn.


That you identify my contribution as "damn…" throws a light on you rather than on my consideration. Where did I write about intelligence? In fact, I doubted that all fellow students (all without exception) are like that. I assume that your reading skills are usually not that low, but that you may have come home from work tired and exhausted. Otherwise, I would almost believe that Pisa is right.


You do not need to offend me right away.
Apparently, you are just getting exhausted from work, because your reading ability is now not outstanding.
He has not said anywhere that it is "all".


You started with the rudeness, but no matter. If the questioner complains that

he was laughed at by his fellow students
they made stupid remarks and asked why he was studying
they exclude him
he sits alone
nobody wants to work with him

then I read it so that he complains about all (all without exception). He could have limited it to: the spokesmen, some, Fritz and Franz, etc. But he does not.