Sell for a good cause. SURVEY?

- in Gaming

I ask the question. Since I'm a bit at the end of my thoughts myself.

I'm currently in the old area where I grew up, and 2 months ago I was only in the room and gambled. And I realized I don't want that anymore, I've moved 400km to my dad, don't gamble anymore, And I'm trying more and more to change my life.

I want to get my driver's license, buy a good cell phone & laptop for work, or I just help my dad at the company. Hopefully soon back to the gym, new clothes, and much more.

Would like to meet old colleagues, including a certain girl. I realized too late how important it is to me, and in the end it was about 1 year ago. I still miss her today, even then my head tells me "what if she doesn't want any more contact. If it doesn't work" my heart tells me that I just have to do it. Or else it just destroys me inside. Also need money to organize something cool, new clothes, etc.

Now my dad supports me, but I thought about selling my entire PC including gaming stuff. Even if it hurts in the heart somewhere. Because that was my first PC that cost a lot with my own money, I just notice that other things are more important to me, and that I need money. And this gambling just kept me sitting in the room. And at the age of 17 I still have the chance to do a lot differently than in the last few months

What would you do in my position?


It's what you want I wish you success!


That's right. But ultimately you can buy such a PC again in the future. But the chances that you now have to be even more successful can't be "bought" or time can't be reversed.


And it's not about gambling. But because I need that money.


Can you tell me the specs?


I felt the same way.

But you will still be looking for the PC - in the sense of writing letters, applications, etc. Internet research even if you don't gamble anything or just a little. Leave it off but on the power because of the battery.

What do YOU have, do you have - a lapi is good and beautiful but not nearly as powerful as the computer - or the lapi easily costs 1200 euro and more to be efficient.

Everything was expensive and you make a huge loss - worse than with a car. So you can do everything with the computer, it is versatile and yes in your room. And gaming, within the framework, is nothing forbidden or objectionable…


Sell, but what hardware parts are in it?


Rtx 2070 super, b550, 144hz monitor, roccat vulcan 122 so something comes around.


Which CPU


Rtx 2070 super, ryzen 5 3600 b550 144hz monitor, roccat vulcan 122, etc.


Ryzen 5 3600


If you really don't use it anymore, better sell it.


But a PC to work costs 200-300 euro and a laptop too, and the current PC is just meant for gaming. But I no longer see gaming as a priority what ever because I don't want to waste the time gaming anymore. Though I get up every day. And see other things as important.


And through Corona I'm currently getting more for it than before.


I would be for yours, of course an oc is practical but you can always buy a PC.

I think it's more important to get your life right and that's what you want, if it helps you to sell the PC then you should do that.

You can use the money to buy a used labbi where you can do everything in terms of advertising and then still have enough for clothes and such.

I think it's good that you have recognized this for yourself and want it yourself. Never give up, with this attitude you can go far.

And of course, if you now have the confidence to speak to the girl then do it and don't hesitate. Better to try it than to think about "what if" for the rest of your life


Right. I'm afraid that it won't work, or she just doesn't want what ever. Of course you can "fight" for a girl and if you want you can do anything. I do not know.

Then I'll definitely get a used lappi for work.


Even if she doesn't want to, a girl will come who thinks that's good. And don't think too negatively about them. People can surprise you


Sure, but as far as I know I wrote to her a few months ago, but as I said, I was younger. And a bit "stupid" which is why I think that it couldn't be anything. But it can be clear. I just want to have some money to organize something cool, something will work despite the coronavirus, and I hope that she might give me a "chance".


I keep my fingers crossed 👍🏼


Thank you.