Enjoy your youth?


With the best will in the world, I do not understand why it is always said that one should enjoy one's youth. Because this statement gives the impression that the future life is connected with total restrictions.

This pessimism pisses me off, even though I'm only 17 myself, and basically introverted.

In my opinion, every person is the maker of his or her happiness. And anyone who claims that life is becoming more exhausting, hopeless and restricted is your own fault.

In all honesty, if you should have children and be in a steady marriage, it doesn't mean that you no longer have a free life. Anyone who lives into a run-of-the-mill life -> 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Works stressful, then comes up with the excuse that they have no more time, I have no sympathy for them.

You always have time. Laying down in front of the television is not an excuse. Anyone who wants to do sport should do so too. Anyone who is dissatisfied with their job should change their job. Now probably comes the statement that this is not that easy. Yes, nothing is easy in life, but doesn't that mean that you should stop?

Then I just sit at the laptop for 5 hours after work to look for a new job. And when it gets to a point where you don't have time because you have kids. Then I ask myself why not think about the future before giving birth.

I know a lot of adults who do something with colleagues every week, sometimes go on vacation among themselves (without wife / husband and child), etc.


Somehow I don't see a real question:-) But I generally agree with you.


The question is why this is being said over and over again.


Such statements are very general. Every person understands something different by "enjoyment". Therefore, it is correct if, based on your characteristics, you have certain ideas about what is right from your point of view. Pick a life goal by asking yourself what you want to do in the long run. Where do you want to be socially when you are 60 or 70? What do you want to own Your answers will help you to define the subgoals. Create the conditions to achieve your goals.


Well You are a 17 year old trying to speak for adults. It is true that some people exaggerate excessively. But it's not as easy as you think it is. There are not always super great jobs. In addition to work, you also have the way to work, the preparation. This also takes away another 1-2 hours a day. And if you do have a great job. Besides the job, do you have other obligations that your dear mom can do for you, for example. Especially since there are also great jobs that are still exhausting. Friends may also have different working hours. And of course you're not as fit and enterprising as you were when you were 17. And I'm not talking about an older person. For many, this already decreases rapidly at 24-25. The energy is simply no longer there to be on the road every day or to do this and that. The evening on the couch is just more relaxing. And to relax is your own claim to enjoyment. Right, it's not just your way of enjoying something. Everyone has a different idea of it

At the age of 17, don't pretend you know anything about life. Besides, it's not your problem. If you are in the mood to be on the road for 6 hours a day in 10 years, nobody will stop you. If I or others enjoy relaxing at home, it is not the wrong thing to do


Nuss is always only temporary, because adolescence is also used for learning.


At 17, I don't pretend I have an immeasurable knowledge of life. But I can't understand the point with the loss of your life energy over the years. It depends on how you deal with life. I could now give you several points, for example how you can get a lot of energy again. But most of them just don't want to.


You pretend you can plan your life perfectly before it begins…

Even if I thought endlessly about my perfect life - about marriage, children, job, free time and, and, and - life hits one or the other unexpectedly in the face: financial bottleneck, illness, death… The list is endless. So why this claim is made so often: because young people tend to be more carefree - they enjoy a certain protective status in society.

Nice that you have such a positive (?) Attitude. Treat yourself to the drive. But don't forget about reality in your (pre) pubescent view.


Of course you can't understand that, you're only 17! Then tell me, how do I get more energy again?


These unpredictable possibilities are not a reason not to plan your life. In spite of this, planning about life helps a lot. Most people just don't want to.


Is that all you have to say "Most don't want to"? Ultimately, planning is of no use to you if it is thrown overboard. It is also simply not possible that, as you idealistically imagine, everyone without exception (assuming everyone wanted) can pursue their dreams, let alone fulfill them. Somebody always has to do the dirty work. Somebody has to be at the end of the food chain, to put it crudely.


1.) Sport, because sporting activity (for example in the gym) increases your testosterone level and leads to ' feelings of happiness ''. The consequences of an increased testosterone level are, for example, an increase in self-confidence, focus in everyday life and much more. Often, sport is simply associated with the definition of the body, but there's much more to it, only very few understand that.

2.) Change of diet. If you eat a bag of chips every evening, then it's no wonder if you feel listless, created, etc. Food that has a lot of energy but is not healthy results in your body working at full speed for a short time to break down everything. This makes you tired. -> Consequently, one should eat healthy, because that leads to a happy life. Same as with fitness. Many people simply associate a healthy diet with a fit body, but do not notice the psychological consequences.

3.) Change your mindset, i.e. Your view of life. Switch off and don't watch so much news because it makes you sick. Set yourself high goals, with smaller ones in between. You can do this in the form of a yearbook. I know, it sounds like cringe and unnecessary, but that just helps a lot. Just sit down and write down carefully what you want to achieve by the next week.

It may sound sick, but there's a monetary technique. You give 5-10% of your wages to a friend, and if you have met all of your goals by the end of the month, the money will be returned to you. This also allows you to save.

4.) Read books, not just novels or something, but books on philosophy. So how can you make your life happier, more structured,

could say more


Well, it doesn't have to be you.


Unteachable. As I said. Keep this view calmly if it gives you strength - there's nothing wrong with that. But don't force it on others. This is sometimes extremely offensive and only shows inexperience and lack of empathy.


I can understand your point of view and I know what you mean. However, this train of thought is wrong in my opinion. As arrogant as it sounds, if people have to be at the end of the food chain at the end of the day, it doesn't mean they have to be you.


I don't know why you always say "you". This is not about me, but about a general understanding.

None of this has anything to do with arrogant, but rather, as already mentioned, with a lack of empathy or experiences in life. After all, all of his claims are tailored "to each person" - everyone is "the maker of his own fortune" or "his own fault" and that is a very difficult statement to verify. You are not necessarily to blame yourself for illnesses, accidents, social injustices or the like. Example: starving children in third world countries. And - judging by your text, you can probably even less empathize with such situations than I can - some problems can't be overcome with fresh energy or an obsessively positive attitude. So simply to say to every person "Well, it doesn't have to hit YOU" is not only free from any empathy but also from all logic and reality.

You are welcome to say to yourself "It mustn't hit me", you can work for it and make it, but you just can't expect people to simply come under completely different living conditions, a different cultural background, level of education, financial circumstances, social environment be able to live with a different story under the same conditions as you.

Or maybe you just have to get older to understand this.


Almost all things that every adult does, which also give more energy, but still not approaching the level of a 17 year old. You can handle a battery properly for years and charge it correctly, but it will still weaken at some point. What the hell don't you understand about that? Even if my younger me and my current me would do the exact same thing for a week, my current me would have significantly less energy at the end of the day / week than the younger version of me. But far


Your mindset is just wrong. If you think like this, then you are also living without energy. Keyword fake it till you make it


Clear. If a 17-year-old thinks you will stay fit exactly the same throughout his life, then he should think so. We'll talk about it again in 10 years, kiddies. Interesting that you do not accept the opinion of people who already have real experience with it. True to the motto of a little kid who doesn't want to study for school because everything is stupid and doesn't work


I'm sure that people who live unhappy and lackluster in adulthood have had this experience in their youth as well. I don't have to say more.


Yes and I'm sure that you are a child who does not accept any other opinion from people with more life experience. I don't care, do what you want. Will understand in a few years anyway. There's no detour just for you. A battery becomes weaker, no longer as efficient. And that is also the case with humans. A year ago a younger friend smiled at me for it just as much as you did. And a few days ago he admitted to me that he was also slowly noticing it. But good. You are wise and the savior of the world and forever fit, and just with the right mindset and the right diet, of course, nothing will change your state of health. Looks like you've found the recipe for eternal youth. Congratulation. Register it with the patent and stop fooling people around here


I will never come close to these thoughts because I live my life. If something doesn't suit me, then I won't allow it either. If someone is strange to me, I break off contact. If I notice that I'm becoming impotent, I do something about it. You are apparently just a full pessimist. There are so many 60 year olds who still go jogging every day and are totally healthy. It's just a way of life, but it doesn't matter. I've given you tips that you think are conventional, but probably haven't even tried it yourself.