Education, today's model really better?


I myself did not go through the "old" school, but I think she was doing quite well to be honest.

If we look at the old people, they were all busy building Germany after the war and doing a lot.

When I look at today's youth, I do not know if today's education is better. Open apprenticeships in the craft are not occupied because the young people do not want to tackle themselves, many races with the latest mobile phone, iPad and laptop through the area, with spotify subscription and have invested no tired Euro in it.

Many want to be streamer or youtuber, Likes on Facebook seems to me everything is what the youth are interested in. How can one say that today's education is better?

In the past the circumstances were sometimes so difficult but so many wonderful people were born during this time and today I have the feeling that everything is just human garbage.

Is my perception guilty? Is it education? What the old education really was so bad?


Well, the kids want to learn other jobs today.

Where do you see the problem?

In the past, they also wanted to become a singer or model. And? Is that why the world went down?

Even in the past people were not all diligent. That's nonsense.


I do not see you like you. What we have today is the merit of former times. The stamp "Made in Germany" was coined by the old generation who did a good job. Today we sit down with the Vw scandal. Actually, we're still living on the good image of what the old ones have built up back then. If that were not so, we would be totally different.


In the past, the craft was even better paid. And earlier, as the name implies, the secondary school was the school most people went to. And with the quality you have certainly gotten a good Ausbidlugsplatz in the craft.

Today "everyone" has to "go to high school", the pressure to be great at school starts at the latest in the third grade. At my time was after the 4 class the high school, junior high school at least only after the 6. So had "late bloomers" a little more time.

Anyone who hangs up, Abi does or secondary school, which does not necessarily bock on craft. And the training companies often do not want a secondary school student (anymore) because they are "stupid and assi".


No, that is wrong.

Made in Germany was at the beginning of this imprint in the UK a sign of defective German goods. To distinguish her from the good British.

We have the diesel scandal. But the cars themselves are still top of the range. There's nothing else to it.


You probably do not believe that yourself. The Germans have not been delivering good cars for a long time… I would never drive a German car again. Meanwhile one of the worst cars I ever drove VW, closely followed by bmw. In my opinion, overpriced scrap.


When was this time?

I'm now 50, after the 4th grade was divided into high school, primary and secondary school. There was no room for late bloomers.

Only at the comprehensive school one was separated only after the 6th grade.


A few years younger than you. But maybe that's BL again.




Yes, no, maybe - not so easy.

You speak of a generation born between 1900 and 1945/1950 … At that time Germany was in ruins, people were starving, families were destroyed. There was still the extended family. They were driven by the survival instinct. When you are at the bottom, it can only go up.

The gender roles were clearly distributed. Since then, many things have changed, not just the education system.

I'm now 50 - yes in my education were still made mistakes. As a left-hander, I was forced to write a letter at school, the elementary school teacher had one more stick and I still had experience with a wooden spoon at home. In psychological treatment I was not, the relationship with my parents is very good, my primary school teacher apologized for his behavior at our class party at all present.

As a mother, I'm certainly making mistakes today. The youth can't help it, but the German thoroughness and the German policy is not clear with the changed claims. We try to integrate, but must not cost money.

The human garbage - I can't confirm that way. Even earlier, the junior high school student had only a basic but in the trainees, time and education was still invested. Today? Is he a cheap worker for sales to be right? At least my observation.

Previously only wonderful people - well, I dare to doubt.

I would still buy a German car if I could afford it.

The progress, the innovations - I think that thanks to the community school far too much intelligence falls through the grid. At least in my country, there are only 2 forms of school, there's no secondary school more.


Even earlier, the junior high school student had only a basic but in the trainees, time and education was still invested. Today? Is he a cheap worker for sales to be right? At least my observation.

Wow thank you very much! I did not notice that, but that's exactly how I feel about it.