In your opinion, would today's youth survive if their cell phones, laptops and televisions were removed?


In your opinion, would today's youth survive if their cell phones, laptops and televisions were removed?


Technology is not essential for survival. Fire and thus heat can be produced conventionally. A dwelling can also be built without technology.

Technology only makes it more comfortable and many people are too comfortable, not just u21.


No, the youth would not be able to cope. And that is not meant to be derogatory.

Today's youth has adapted to the digital world. Of course, the old boomers can do better without smartphones, computers and the Internet, but the majority of the boomers are helpless when there are small technical difficulties with their devices.


Yes, but most would not be happy about it.

The better question: would youth survive on an island after a shipwreck?

Probably not, because most of us only have to deal with the technology and would not be completely exposed.


Yes. You don't seriously believe that the sense of survival of the people of today's youth has simply been switched off. Young people are not stupid just because they use technical devices. Maybe you should come down from your high horse instead of talking condescendingly about a generation to which you seem to have not belonged for a long time.


Ufff cute dog




Why shouldn't they be able to live without? It would be a phase of change first, that's obvious. But this does not only affect the youth, because older people also have the same problem, although probably not as serious in the majority. Young people would probably even get along better in the long run, because when you are young you are flexible, more sociable and can change quickly. I think most of all would be couch potatoes, who are more busy at home and / or live lonely and secluded. This can affect any age. I'm older, outing myself and confessing that the blanket would fall on my head without the equipment. Not because I chat about these devices all day long, but because I care about my hobbies. In addition, as a single person, both maintain contact with family / friends, inform me and also let me entertain.


Today's youth is even much smarter than the youth in my day, I admit! And today's technology doesn't play a small role either. Unfortunately, today's youth is also heavily dependent on the beautiful devices.

You should read through the questions here several times, so that they really get through to you! And work a little on your pitch!


Thank you for your answer. I'm interested in whether the young people could do without such devices, because I talked to some parents at school today (parents' evening) who had complained about their children's internet use or addiction.

The grades suffer, children become lazy and spend more time on unnecessary things. Forcing them to stop seems to be of little use to them


Thank you for your answer. I'm interested in whether the young people could do without such devices, because I talked to some parents at school today (parents' evening) who had complained about their children's internet use or addiction.

Many parents interpret their children's smartphone use as an addiction, although it is still a normal (if perhaps intensive) use. The problem is not when children use their smartphones a lot and often. The problem begins where children start to neglect everything else for use - be it sport, social contacts or ordinary obligations, such as school.

The grades suffer, children become lazy and spend more time on unnecessary things.

And who says worse grades have to do with internet usage? There can be many other reasons for this. My grades at junior high school, for example, got worse because my head ached from memorizing unnecessary information.

The school system is no longer fun for students. Without fun learning, learning is almost impossible. A person must be able to get enthusiastic about something in order to be able to learn it reasonably effectively. For this reason, I'm now doing a degree in computer science in business administration exams, for example, only with 3.0 instead of the usual 1.0 in programming exams. My secondary school diploma was a 2.7, I graduated from high school with this technical focus (about half of all subjects were technical) with 1.6, now my studies are somewhere around 1.3. Why should I know the names of all areas in the heart? Or can you pray down the periodic table by heart? Or can memorize the exact date of the end of World War II? How does this help me in life?

Boys in particular have a hard time in our school system. Because it is more and more tailored to girls. Since boys are not girls and need to let off steam, they are quickly diagnosed with ADHD just because they can't sit still in class like girls. In German classes, the tasks are often "Write a letter to Louise as Ferdinand after she…". Types of tasks that girls get along with super easily, since girls and women are more human-related. Guys who are more factual would find it easier to do task types like "draw a map of the island where Robinson Crusoe is stranded".

The school system is disadvantaged boys. This is also shown by studies according to which boys in schools perform significantly worse on average than girls. In addition, it is out of date and no longer teaches young people what they need to know on the job market due to the extremely strong division of labor. It doesn't prepare them for their lives. The school equipment, especially in federal states like NRW, is abysmal, the teachers are often unmotivated and demotivating. The school should be a place that arouses curiosity in our children, that keeps the joy of learning high, that prepares our children for their future professional life. And that's not all at the moment.

In addition, children and adolescents still lack the foresight that adults have. As a trainer for badminton, I notice that again and again. Especially when it comes to racket keeping. The universal grip is initially heavier, but unfortunately the only way to really get your strength behind the blows. You always have to point this out to young people. They try the universal handle, notice after three times that they miss the ball that they still have problems with it, then give up and hit the frying pan again. And if you don't sit on the neck of the teenagers all the time, they won't learn it. Simply because they can't see so well that it is beneficial in the long term to learn how to stick.

From a school performance perspective, I see parents as a duty here. On the one hand to encourage the children to learn again and again, but on the other hand to make the learning as beautiful as possible for the children and to convey the enthusiasm for learning to the children.

Forcing them to stop seems to be of little use to them

No wonder, especially for young people. If adolescents have not yet enjoyed learning, parents will not




That's what young people use as a nickname these days for people over 40 years of age. Comes from the "baby boomer" terminology.

In your opinion, would today s youth survive if their cell phones, laptops and televisions were removed


Was irony the last thing?

I mean you have to know how to survive in an emergency. If you already have technology, you can find out before you go on the boat


I'm more ashamed of being young every day. XD

The funny thing is, I despair of every little technical problem. Maybe I'm a grandma in the body of a young woman

At least these people were still called mom or grandma when I was up to date


Nothing against you. I just generalized it here. Of course there are young people who don't get along well with today's technology. And there are older people who can use computers very well. But this is only an exception and not the rule.

The word boomer is usually used only in a derogatory white. I should have given my answer a nice pretend. ^^


I generally can't identify with most young people.

And compliments for what you said in the last paragraph. That speaks for your character. I was just happy


We recently had a list of things we take on a sailboat in social studies, pretty much everyone named their cell phone as the most important…


That's sad. I mean you are on a sailing boat, there's so much to see and you have nothing better to take with you than a cell phone?

But if Amazon also delivers food to the sea, maybe a cell phone is the best choice