2x Windows operating systems on 2x local disks?


Beforehand: I do not know very well about computers and their structure and functions. Maybe that's why I'm a bit desperate.

A few weeks ago I had to download a backup file of Windows 10 on a laptop because my pc did not want to start anymore (blue screen). When I had it on my PC, I already got a feeling that something was wrong. My files were all but the ones that were on the screen. When I gambled I noticed that the games crash, my programs load longer, etc. Previously I have something strange then noted in my files →

2x Windows operating systems on 2x local disks


2x Windows operating systems on 2x local disks - 1

Both programs are apparently used and I have no idea what I can change. Because even with administrator rights, I can't change anything.

Hope someone has an idea D


Look in the folder in boot with Windows and tell me if there's something inside or not.


At ThisPc / BootE / Windows, files are inside; a little less than Recover 'C' but otherwise the same


It looks like Windows is installed twice on different partitions (C and E).

Open msconfig (easiest via the search field) and look in the tab "Start" for which boot entries are in it. Then you can see what partition it starts by default.

What is the size of the used drive of drive E?


OK thanks. There it stands over C starts and the occupied memory at E is 26.3 GB


There's some wrong installed; usually a recovery partition is hidden and does not have a drive letter; certainly not C

C is always intended for windows (boot partition), why does another one carry the name "boot"?

right-click on the start-icon and then go to '"volume management" there you can also graphically determine how a hard drive (s) are divided and structured. All that is called "data carrier" on the left is a hard drive or just a usb-stick.

if you have no idea, bring the calculator in a pc shop and let him bring back from the professionals in order.


How much do you think that would cost?


I try a picture of the disk management still in the question with reinstellen


Hard to say, roughly comparable to complete new windows installation, around 80-90 euro


(could not bring the picture anymore)