SURVEY! Is it possible to run two or more different Windows systems on a computer or notebook and if so, how?


I would like to use two different Windows systems (for example, Windows 98 for old games + Windows 7 for current use) on just one device.

Both systems are in themselves, but unfortunately I do not know if it is possible to use two different devices on only one device (to select).

Hence my question as a SURVEY!

Is it possible to use two or more different Windows systems (any constellation) on a single device, namely a computer or notebook, and if so, how exactly does it work?


Well, a poll is usually an opinion poll. ^^

Since it works, no survey is required.

All you have to do is install the bootfile on the second disk and change the BIOS once so that it boots from there and runs the installation.

When this is done, the system will ask at startup which OS to load on startup.


Note that for Windows 98 you also need drivers

And that it can't deal with modern hard drives überhaubt

Furthermore, it does not start with more than 800 MB Ram (I do not remember the number exactly in my head)

Especially at point 1, this will fail with modern PCs and laptops, the other problems are solvable


As a supplement: I did not enter Win98 because it was given as an example for a second system. I understood it as a pictorial explanation of his problem.


512MB on vanilla.


Yes, it's possible.

1. By dividing the hard disk into 2 partitions and installing one operating system on each partition,

2. By permanently installing one system and temporarily starting the other operating system on the computer. That

2.1 either with USB or CD / DVD start a "live version" of this storage medium (directly in the boot process)

2.2 or on Win7 to run a VM with WinXP.


Or run a VM on Win7 with WinXP.

Why explicitly on Win7?

Win10 also offers Hyper-V?


It will work, the installation will work. It's best to create two partitions on the disc with GParted. Then you install the systems. But note: Win98 may not handle the drivers on your PC. As a last resort, there will be VirtualBox or VMware workstation.


Yes it's possible.

But it would be simpler and less complicated if you create a VM and install Win98 on it


Because he emphasizes in his question that he wants to install Win7 and Win98 / WinXP on his computer. But yes, you can also install the VM on Win8, Win8.1 and Win10, as well as on various Linux systems.