Is it worth upgrading?


I would like to expand the HDD against an SSD and the Ran to 8 GB with this laptop, but is it still worth it here?

Is it worth upgrading

An SSD is definitely worth it. When it comes to RAM, it depends on whether the 4GB becomes tight on you. Then you would have an advantage with 8GB, otherwise not.


Use it purely office and for surfing


If the performance of the CPU is still enough for you. The SSD accelerates the system enormously and 8GB Ram can't hurt either. It may just be that your i3 can't fully utilize the hardware.


Honest? No, you would be better off buying a new one. Well you can get an SSD disk, you can take it with you if you should change and convert to an external SDD.


The best thing to do is to check in Task Manager how much RAM is occupied when you are currently open in the browser.


The thing is ancient. I would rather buy a new laptop.
Sure, a SSD is available for a few euro, but well… 4 GB of RAM are sufficient for Office.