Does my laptop send out radiation?


My laptop is always under my pillow for 2 years (not switched off / closed but on). But does that have side effects? I used to have no problems remembering but now I forget many things. What I have learned. I can hardly concentrate anymore what eg. The teacher says. I never talk to classmates when I'm not supposed to. I try to take care and look at the teachers but forget everything immediately. Is it off the laptop or what is it?

(15 years)


Yes, WLAN / electrosmog can cause this. I do not have to.

To sleep, if possible, no electrical appliances in bed or near the head have.


You do not sleep on such devices, they certainly radiate, especially if the connection to the Internet is not via cable but, as is probably the case in your case, via WLAN. Concentration disorders have already been described, so always switch off and put away. Greeting


Yes, yes.

In addition, the risk of fire is much higher, because the laptop has little chance to ventilate and thus can accumulate quite a heat - and if something goes wrong somewhere burns your pillow.

I doubt the problems you describe come from your laptop. But I would like to advise you not to leave the thing under your pillow, but to put it where it belongs - on the desk. And definitely off, or at least in energy-saving mode. Pulls also a few watts, so a laptop.