Is WLAN radiation dangerous for health?


I would be interested in whether WLAN radiation does not matter, whether from a cell phone or a laptop is harmful to health and what effects it has on the body etc. Completely take away from the electricity that I can sleep much better then, what do you think please answer only honestly meant and whether you can continue to use WLAN safely


No that is not harmful


The devices shine clearly. It is also a health hazard. However, it should be borne in mind that laptops, cell phones, etc. Do not emit as many rays as a normal landline phone.


That is a question for the experts or scientists. They do not agree, but anyone who fears that WLAN is harmful to their health will not do so. They have to have a LAN socket installed at work. 3 sockets have been installed in the apartment, so I have avoided using WLAN his WLAN off - now the reception of the old long wave and medium wave on the radio is possible again in my apartment. So interference radiation in the radio area is proven.


What kind of nonsense is that? How long have landline phones been radiating? A landline phone has no radio connection but a cable connection. But not a DECT on the landline connection. If you have a real landline phone, i.e. No DECT, then nothing radiates. - So much for that.

Mobile phones emit much more power than WLAN, Bluetooth and DECTs. A laptop / notebook, tower, desktop PC doesn't really shine. If not wherever frequencies are produced that would also be emitted. However, these are only of extremely low power.

Basically, radio waves have a health-damaging effect. It depends on frequency and power. However, far too little research has been carried out to be able to make reliable statements. And that makes use of the industry, or are results formulated by the industry (e.g. Cell phone manufacturers) in such a way that radio waves do not pose a "significant" health impairment. Anyone who knows something about advertising will recognize the vague statement in this wording. And the lobby is big here. It also comes from us consumers. We all want a cell phone!

From where I know this? I'm an industrial master in the field of communications engineering.