Video send signal to other PC?


To start trying I send a livestream outdoor with a dslr home if there to send the livestream. I want to send the livestream from home for one reason only then I do not want the livestream going offline through any internet connection. My question to you.

Is it possible programmable / convertible dslr signal what I have connected via USB with a laptop / rasberry device irgentwie still home to send without me verpixelungem new avoid.

Vl I can upload the live signal yes on a website and then build in obs.

Important to know is that I have no fixed Storm and an internet connection via LTE


I've seen a liveU solo but not worth it for 800 euro


Put a mobile phone holder on your hot shoe and stream from your phone directly to the Internet. Everything else is either expensive or impractical. The LiveU that the other colleague has suggested needs up to 8 SIM cards.


About Disord share the screen. If you're running in windowed mode, you can also make the sharing area smaller.