Can there be multiple IP addresses?


Everyone knows roughly what an IP address is. Can there be multiple IP addresses? Is it a device-related number i.e. Laptop, notebook etc. Each one of its own?

Got some feedback from different IP numbers (same beginning number sequence but with different end numbers). Can that be an indication of hacking activity?

Where can I find my own IP number?


An IP number is the name of a participant in the network. Like your phone number. There can only be one.

EVERYONE has one: your router, the computer, your printer, your cell phone, your HiFi receiver, your Tolino, your laptop, your tablet, and the IP camera.

They all dial into the local network or the Internet or into the LoRaWan. It is then an IP number that dials out (simplification and therefore wrong). Google tells you which it is. Ask for "find your own IP number". This IP number belongs to your internet provider. He "lends" it to you to move around the Internet. Since he has to pay for it, he has fewer IP numbers than the contractual partner. Therefore your dial-in IP is different every time.


Each network adapter is assigned an IP address. So if your laptop has connected Wi-Fi and Lan, it also has 2 IP addresses.
However, these are not fixed, but are usually assigned dynamically or DHCP (or entered manually). Where did you get the feedback from? Probably from your own network. There all IPs are similar but none should be the same.

e.g. There are the following addresses:



So are not hackers, but other devices in your network (e.g. Another PC, a printer, a SmartTV, etc.)

You can create your own in the command prompt with the command:
Have "ipconfig" read out.


MAC addresses are… Should at least be… Unique.

IP addresses are usually distributed by the router in the house / apartment. Every PC can have a different one every now and then. As a rule, the router always has the .1 at the end at the end. In contrast, the .0 is never used at the end.

Usually the computers in the network then start with .2 upwards at the end.

IP addresses are like addresses of computers, which is why the IP addresses in your own house / apartment are very similar, only the last number behind changes. So the router, the computers, and whatever else knows, "We belong together".

The following IP addresses are common: - router computer / laptop Computer / laptop / or smartphone and so on, and so on

The own IP address is somewhat hidden from Windows Vista, or is no longer displayed in LAN as in Windows XP, but also helps with Windows 10 under Windows:

Start the command prompt or powershell, enter "ipconfig" and press Enter. Under IPv4 address is your IP address distributed for your computer.


Where can I find my own IP number?

You actually have 3 IP numbers.

An internal number, also called localhost on every computer

Then you have an IP number within your network, for example. School, company but also private household. The router, which is connected to the Internet, can thus access all computers on the intranet. This can start with or And then of course the unique IP address that your provider gives you to get access to the Internet. As an example, the address block of Telekom ---


don't the ranges go up to 255?


Can't help you much but the link should at least tell you your IP!

There you can see your IP and IP4 address!


Was a typo